We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag children

Overheard Convos in the Archbold House

11 year old: Good job. You tied your own shoes.5 y/o: Thanks.11: But your shoes are on the wrong feet.5: Oh. 8 y/o: Dad, I’m not feeling good enough to have breakfast.Dad: OK.8 y/o: Maybe just like a little snack… Continue Reading →

Worst Speech to a Young Audience…Ever.

Obama buddy Van Jones thinks kids are kinda’ like super genius gods who live in a world with little basis to respect their elders. Supergenius? He obviously hasn’t met my kids. I understand buttering up your audience but this seems… Continue Reading →

Why We Have Children

This is an amazing story by Timothy Dalrymple. Beautiful stuff. I was going to put it on The Reader but it’s just too good. It’s called “Why We Have Children:” I hate the memory of it. I hate it. I… Continue Reading →

Super Cute Nativity Story

I loved it. HT Right Network

7 Yr. Old Sings Amazing Grace

George from Convert Journal gives a little history of this little girl. That is, if 7 year old’s can have history. This is pretty amazing. Rhema Marvanne’s mom died of ovarian cancer when she was only 6. Now as a… Continue Reading →

Child Goes to Heaven, Meets Miscarried Sibling?

A four year old child dies, meets great grandfather and miscarried sibling who he didn’t even know about. Pretty cool. I’m always a little hesitant to believe such things while knowing they’re quite possibly true. But I thought I’d pass… Continue Reading →

Cutest Trick or Treater Ever

This was just too cute not to share. Shamelessly stolen from Jill Stanek.

This Freaked Me Out

They told the kid that the lion just wanted to give a witty bitty kiss but I think we can assume the lion’s intentions were much much worse than that. This kind of freaked me out. EMBED-Zoo Lion Vs Little… Continue Reading →

These Guys Haven’t Met My Kids

$2 millions bucks down the drain. The AP reports: Federal officials are turning to psychology in a new approach to get kids to choose healthier foods in the school lunch line. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is giving $2 million… Continue Reading →

A Child Talks About Abortion

Pretty funny but then very moving:

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