Liberal political pundits along with the media are scrambling for a silver lining to President Obama’s plummeting poll numbers. And here’s what they’ve come up with -the Sally Field defense. Hey, some are saying, Obama’s sagging job approval numbers don’t… Continue Reading →
The Susan B. Anthony List today acted mean spiritedly and lied about former President Bill Clinton. “Mean spirited” and “lied” is of course code for when opponents speak truths that liberals wish weren’t truths. You see, Bill Clinton said recently… Continue Reading →
This has got to be one of the most ironic and hypocritical things I’ve seen in a while. Get this one from the NY Post: Former President Clinton has sent out a fundraising letter on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial… Continue Reading →
Former President Bill Clinton ripped those who doubted Barack Obama’s citizenship as well as those who doubt global warming is man made but described the Times Square bomber as a “poor tragic Pakistani man.” How about that for misplaced priorities?… Continue Reading →
Does this White House think pro-lifers are stupid? Not just regular stupid, I mean like Joe Biden kind of stupid. Well, it’s clear that they do. Just days after Elena Kagan was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Obama… Continue Reading →
When is a coup not a coup? I guess when President Obama says so. So never mind that President Obama is on the wrong side of the Honduras issue. And if you’re unsure of that just look at the company… Continue Reading →
Newsflash! Embryos Aren’t Fertilized! So it’s ok to kill them. So said former President Bill Clinton five times in an interview last night. And what’s worse is that the brain surgeon who was nominated by President Obama to be Surgeon… Continue Reading →
“I just love that rug.” That’s what former President Bill Clinton said to President Bush, as he looked down at the pale gold rug with sunbeam design at the President’s luncheon this week. Is it just me or should Bill… Continue Reading →
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