We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag cloning

Funding Restrictions Stifle Cloning Research

*subhead*Don’t show them the money.*subhead* Unlike many other countries, the United States has no federal restrictions on cloning. Scientists can clone human embryos as much as they want, provided they have the human eggs to do it, and in many… Continue Reading →

Human Cloning is Back

*subhead*Lord, help us!*subhead* It is time to get on our knees and pray.  Human cloning is back. Once induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) hit the scene, human cloning slowly faded away. Why clone embryos with human eggs (exploiting women in… Continue Reading →

The Church Is Not Backward, But Forward

*subhead*Time for society to catch up.*subhead* It is as inevitable as the passing of time. Once there is a new pope, the world begins to wonder when the Catholic Church is going to leave its “medieval thinking” behind and join… Continue Reading →

To GMO or not GMO?

*subhead*Puzzling contradictions.*subhead* As a former California girl, I am aware that my state of origin is full of contradictions like women who are on the Pill eating nothing but organically grown produce. Back in 2004 Californians overwhelmingly voted with Prop… Continue Reading →

Brave New United States

When I talk to my fellow Americans about biotechnology, they have this idea that all the bad stuff will happen in places like China and that the horrors of Huxley’s Brave New World will never happen here.  Cloning, human genetic… Continue Reading →

The Clone Wars Are Back

Rebecca Taylor is guest blogging here this month. Rebecca is a Technologist in Molecular Biology, MB(ASCP) and a practicing Catholic. She has been writing and speaking about Catholicism and biotechnology for five years at her blog Mary Meets Dolly. This… Continue Reading →

Do They Not Watch Movies?

So the The Pyrenean ibex, a form of wild mountain goat,ibex was extinct. And then suddenly last week it wasn’t. But now it is extinct again. When a species goes extinct a second time, it’s time to give it up,… Continue Reading →

Keep Your Theology Off My Technology

Forty years ago, many Catholics were shocked to find the Catholic Church invading their bedrooms with the promulgation of Humanae Vitae and all of its rules and regulations regarding sex. Now, just as people were kind of calming down about… Continue Reading →

Cloning Archbishop Burke

I am hereby demanding a change in one of the key bioethical stances of the Catholic Church. I do this because I’ve noticed that all dissenters never “ask” the Church to reconsider her stance on things. Us dissenters “demand change”… Continue Reading →

Cloning: We Can Do Better Than This Guy, Can’t We?

This guy, Dr Samuel Wood, has successfully cloned himself by placing his skin cells in a woman’s egg. The clones survived five days. Now. Let’s forget all the ethical implication and the horrors of cloning. I’ll boil it down to… Continue Reading →

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