We Laugh Because We Believe

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Four Favors for the Frazzled Blogger

*subhead*Pretty please?*subhead* I think writing is hard. I was a chemistry major not an English major. And the niche I made for myself (or maybe a ditch I dug for myself) in the blogging world commenting on the latest in… Continue Reading →

Oy Vey!

Oy Vey! Such was my reaction when reading an opinion piece in the Indianapolis Star entitled “Interfaith View of the Latin Mass” by Dennis Sasso. So here goes (emphasis and comments as always.) Catholic-Jewish relations have been tested in recent… Continue Reading →

We Are Getting Our Money’s Worth

The Vatican has reported its finances and the United States is by far the largest contributor and helped keep it in the black. “The trend is positive and encouraging,” said Cardinal Sergio Sebastiani, who heads the Vatican’s office of economic… Continue Reading →

An AP Reporter Who Actually Reports?

Imagine my shock. I came across an AP article in the Philadelphia Inquirer on Archbishop Burke. I was taken aback by the title of the piece “A vocal, steadfast defender of the faith”. Well, that is not a bad title… Continue Reading →

How The Polish Saved Civilization

Back in the ’90s, Thomas Cahill wrote an excellent book titled “How The Irish Saved Civilization.” The book documents how, when civilization might have been lost at the demise of the Roman empire, Irish monks and scribes saved the very… Continue Reading →

A Good Priest

Newsday is currently running a series on the History of the Diocese of Rockville Centre to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the first suburban diocese. It is an interesting piece. Newsday has in the past been openly… Continue Reading →

WaPost Hit Piece on Burke

Archbishop Burke must be doing something right if he deserves an absolute hit piece in the Washington Post. This piece is something to behold. The piece runs through the litany of areas where Archbishop Burke has tried to bring his… Continue Reading →

Burger King Catholicism

Hole the pickle, hold the lettuce, hold all those rules that so upset us. Ed Kuhlman likes his Catholicism made to order. He likes some of the trappings, but those pesky rules have got to go. Ed wasn’t ‘comfortable’ in… Continue Reading →

I Wanna Kill Babies When I Grow Up

The L.A. Times has an article that would be almost laughable were it not so monstrous. They report on young people who aspire to kill babies one day. These young folk are truly inspirational. Take fourth year medical student Megan… Continue Reading →

Atheists Bring Me Down

Christopher Hitchens has a new book “God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.” Some things about Mr. Hitchens from Wikipedia: Christopher Eric Hitchens (born April 13, 1949, in Portsmouth, England) is an Anglo-American author, journalist and literary critic. Currently… Continue Reading →

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