Under the HHS rule requiring all insurers to cover birth control including abortifacients, any religious exemption that does eventually get included (if any) will almost certainly not allow crisis pregnancy centers to claim that exemption. So think about this –… Continue Reading →
In one of the more blatant attempts to silence pro-lifers, the city that attempted to ban circumcision is now attempting to make it illegal for crisis pregnancy centers not to perform abortions. That’s right. According to the Blaze: In a… Continue Reading →
Time Magazine is covering what they call the “abortion wars.” And they choose to investigate one side particularly closely based on a documentary coming out by the makers of the anti-Christian doc “Jesus Camp.” Can you guess which side they’re… Continue Reading →
Brought to you by the pro-abortion nutjobs in Congress, a bill is in play forcing the FDA to prevent crisis pregnancy centers from saying they “help” women. No, I’m serious. Really. Michael Tennant of the New American writes: Imagine a… Continue Reading →
Part I: Answering the Call Jessica Chominski fights for the lives of others. Little lives. The ones many don’t think are worth fighting for. She is the sole full time employee of the Bucks County Community Women’s Center, a crisis… Continue Reading →
Alert! Beware! Enter at Your Own Risk! No killing happens here! In fact, no violence at all! You will only find love and counseling during a very difficult time of your life. Beware! The Michigan Daily reports: FemDems, the Women’s… Continue Reading →
Monsignor Mark Brennan called out the abortion industry this week in his public testimony against a bill restricting crisis pregnancy centers, calling them “bullies” who are intent on marginalizing pro-life crisis pregnancy centers. As you likely already know the Baltimore… Continue Reading →
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