We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag ecumenism

Jesuit Chaplain: “I Never Pray in the Name of Jesus”

The Jesuit chaplain Rev. Patrick Conroy who was appointed by John Boehner as House Chaplain said a mystifying (and possibly awful) statement in an interview at the Huffington Post. It could be a misstatement or just unclear but when asked… Continue Reading →

I’m Making Lutheran Priestesses Here

So we all know how “Catholic” Womynpriests are being “ordained” all the time. And it always gets more coverage than actual ordinations. But they’re never (thankfully) allowed to hold the ordination ceremony in a Catholic Church so they always have… Continue Reading →

A Man Among the Womyn!

Last week we wrote about the Batty Babes in Beantown, the womynpriest movement performing their mock ordinations in Boston. I noted then that the ceremony was conducted at a protestant church, specifically the Church of the Covenant which is affiliated… Continue Reading →

Duh! We’re Christians!

Please. I mean, please! Really. Enough. Really. The professionally offended continue to practice their profession in earnest. The new text for the Good Friday prayer for the Jews has been released and the usual suspects are not satisfied. Why, because… Continue Reading →

The Cart Before The Horse

The Methodist head of the World Council of Churches, the Rev Dr Samuel Kobia, has expressed his support for full communion among all denominations by the middle of the 21st century. Step on for Rev Kobia inter-communion among all Christians…. Continue Reading →

Ecuminism the McBrien Way

Perennial progressive malcontent, Fr. Richard McBrien has an article about the progress made in the area of ecumenism. While I actually agree that some of the things he lists are progress, his main criteria for evaluating ecumenism is Catholic rejecting… Continue Reading →

Baltimore’s New Archbishop Removes Pastor

Baltimore’s new archbishop seems to be taking his job very seriously and reining in the anything-goes mentality as earlier this week he removed a priest who was pastor of three South Baltimore parishes for offenses that include officiating at a… Continue Reading →

God Looks A Lot Like A Conservative Columnist, I Guess?

In a column entitled “Pope Statement Derails Religious Unity,” conservative columnist Armstrong Williams showed the world just how shallow and reactionary his thoughts truly are. I was so disappointed in Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican for releasing a document… Continue Reading →

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