We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag family

A Look of Christmas Horror

You don’t know what horror looks like until you’ve seen the face of a five year old boy who believes he just created his own personal Christmas apocalypse through a tiny little oversight. My five year old boy climbed into… Continue Reading →

First Day of Kindergarten

Yesterday I was driving my son to his first day of Kindergarten. Big day. I threw all the kids in the van. The girls were singing and happy but I noticed the boy was quiet. I wondered if he was… Continue Reading →

Sherry’s Pop Quiz

Sherry Antonetti from Chocolate for Your Brain is posting another guest post here at CMR. You should read her and check her out over at her site. She’s a lot of fun. Pop Quiz What’s that? You didn’t study? You… Continue Reading →

The Perfection Found in My Chaos

Sherry Antonetti is going to be writing a guest post here and there during August and we’re pretty excited because it gives us more chance to sit around eating Bon Bons and smoking cigars. ( I added cigars because the… Continue Reading →

Hey, My Brother In Law is in a Commercial

My sister’s husband is in a commercial which is pretty cool. Just thought I’d share. He’s the guy wandering around with the number on his face until the end where you see him for realz. Please don’t tell him he… Continue Reading →

The 4th of July and Happy Endings

Yesterday was a good day. The Archbold’s did the 4th of July up right. All five children wore red, white and blue to Church. We sang “God Bless America” at the top of our lungs. We played outside while listening… Continue Reading →

Kid Pulls Tooth With Rocket

OK. My first instinct was to nominate this Dad as craziest Dad ever but then I thought that at least the guy’s engaged with his kid’s life and you know what, this kid will remember losing that tooth the rest… Continue Reading →

Father of 8 to Become Priest

Raised in a Jewish home, he converted to Christianity, married, became a Protestant minister, had eight children, is a pro-life leader, and finally converted to Catholicism a few years ago. That’s a long and winding road but now the 51… Continue Reading →

Darn It!! This Little Girl Likes Herself

I love this. HT Jill Stanek

A Very Minor Miracle.

I hope you had a safe New Year’s Eve. 2009 was a pretty crazy year. So many inspiring stories as well as tragic and heartbreaking ones, even in our own lives. I pray that 2010 is a blessed year for… Continue Reading →

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