In what must be seen as a near-miss, the Supreme Court ruled that public officials could open public meetings with a prayer. I’m thrilled, don’t get me wrong. It’s a victory for religious freedom. But the ruling was 5-4. That’s… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Small changes, big effects*subhead* The 21st human chromosome is the smallest of all our chromosomes. It contains a few hundred genes and is only 1% of our total DNA. As most people know, an extra chromosome 21 causes Down Syndrome…. Continue Reading →
Who’d have thought that that a little thing like the internet could transform the greatest country in the history of the world into an army of 24-7 perpetual rage monkeys? Well, it has. Everyone’s offended. All the time. I think… Continue Reading →
The discussion around the infallibility of canonizations comes up from time to time, and with the approaching canonizations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII we see it naturally being revisited. Particularly with the lives of Popes, there is… Continue Reading →
Your priest absolutely knows its you in confession because you’re the only one there who has four kids who confess right before you. You’re active participation is questionable at Mass because you’re watching your son, the altar boy, to make… Continue Reading →
This weekend I went to confession at a parish near my son’s soccer game. I am weird that way, I seek out parishes away from home for my confession obligations. Anyway, I went to a parish. Nice enough looking Church… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Where does that leave Heaven?*subhead* Transhumanism is everywhere. We are being steeped in it like a tea bag in hot water. Not all the images are favorable, but shows like Almost Human, Intelligence, and Lab Rats and movies like the… Continue Reading →
Some twenty three years after Bishop Glennon Flavin of the Diocese of Lincoln issued a pastoral letter to Catholic couples and physicians on the Issue of Contraception, his successor Bishop James Conley has done the same. But people are already… Continue Reading →
We’ve been hearing a lot about sensus fidelium recently. It’s the only Latin word some Catholics will allow to be uttered. It’s definition for many seems to be “what we say goes.” Or if enough Catholics believe something stupid, it… Continue Reading →
If and when the time comes, what will you do? Will you go along, stay silent, or speak out? That is the question that confronts me and has confronted me since the day Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation. For… Continue Reading →
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