It is no secret that I am sympathetic to many of the issues that the SSPX hold dear and I was very desirous of their recognition last year and I was disappointed when the deal fell through. It is also… Continue Reading →
It doesn’t matter if they were atheists, modernists, or satirists, each found a home in the Catholic Church. Eventually. You can read their amazing stories at my piece at The National Catholic Register. *subhead*Wow.*subhead*
Lately I have had difficulty falling or staying asleep. I have been irritable and feel like I must be in a constant state of hyper-vigilance. I am having unsettling flashbacks and I am jumpy. Mostly I am tired, deep down… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Who needs Jesus?.*subhead* I worry for young people these days. I know every generation says that about the one that follows, but today’s youth may face a world where simply being human won’t be good enough. Augmentation may be required… Continue Reading →
My six year old broke my heart today with a little comment. It’s got me thinking. Please read about it at The National Catholic Register>>> *subhead*Ouch.*subhead*
Christianity can be confusing. I’m told that religion makes me miserable, perpetually guilty, and most likely hateful. But I’m also told by some that my belief in God is just some childish wish fulfillment to avoid existential angst. It can’t… Continue Reading →
A man I know said to me yesterday that I must be outraged about what Pope Francis is saying. I inwardly rolled my mind’s eye. Let me just tell you who this guy is. He’s a professed non-believer. A former… Continue Reading →
During the last 6 months, the Catholic media has witnessed a virtual straw-man genocide calling out anyone among the ranks who speaks in assertive tones or questions the prudence of a papal statement. I have witnessed so many hyphenated theological-sounding… Continue Reading →
*subhead*We Heart Eugenics!*subhead* One of the modern zeitgeists that scares me the most is the growing love affair with eugenics among the elite. Whether the masses are aware of it or not, elite ideas trickle down and infect our subconscious…. Continue Reading →
For all those who like to remind that things in the Church have improved, a little story to remind how far we still have to go. For a tradition-minded guy who writes about Catholic stuff, I mostly want to mind… Continue Reading →
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