The Editorial Board of the student run Georgetown Hoya today asks a question that many of us have asked many many times: “Where Have the Jesuits Gone?” The direction of Georgetown is no longer determined by the principles of Jesuit… Continue Reading →
The editorial of the Georgetown Voice this week does a cost/ benefit analysis on preserving their Jesuit identity. It’s simply one of the most distressing things I’ve ever read. It starts: Georgetown doesn’t have a Jesuit President, and likely won’t… Continue Reading →
The new leader of the Jesuits met Saturday with Pope Benedict XVI and told him the religious order would study the pontiff’s invitation to confirm their “total adhesion to Catholic teaching,” said the Associated Press. What? They have to study… Continue Reading →
The Jesuits at Saint Louis University are incrementally severing all ties with the Catholic Church and guess who’s calling them out on it? Archbishop Raymond Burke called into question today public comments made by St. Louis University basketball coach Rick… Continue Reading →
If you missed it, Slovenian Cardinal Franc Rodé gave a talk to the Jesuits in conference. The gist of it: After praising the order for “thousands of religious who generously respond to the Lord’s call,” Rodé cited several areas of… Continue Reading →
The Jesuit-run magazine America is asking if you can find the Latin Mass. A few weeks ago, Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, said that he saw a certain obstinance (my word, not his) in response… Continue Reading →
I really liked the show Joan of Arcadia a few seasons ago and since then we’ve had a scarcity of shows which deal with religion in a respectful manner. In fact, I think that since Bing Crosby, Hollywood hasn’t shown… Continue Reading →
If Jesus would have used rubber bullets and tear gas on his opponents, Jesuit Jesus Gazo might worship him too. Top Catholic Church leaders regularly accuse Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez of fomenting class hatred and becoming increasingly authoritarian but Gazo,… Continue Reading →
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