We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag liberalism

Are the U.S. Bishops Conservative?

The Washington Post in a story on the conscience clause which allows health care workers to refuse to perform actions they deem objectionable, the Washington Post had this paragraph: The rule is supported by a variety of conservative groups, including… Continue Reading →

When Politics Trump Christmas

Proving that the message of Christmas is lost on everyone, this story is just plain ol’ sad. According to theWashington Post, First Lady Laura Bush asked all members of Congress to pick artists from their districts to decorate ornaments, highlighting… Continue Reading →

Commonweal Doesn’t Mind Hypocrisy

We’ve all seen the story on the South Carolina priest who announced that voting for Obama was a matter worthy of confession and people shouldn’t receive Communion until they do so. Well shock of shocks. Commonweal, that famous liberal Catholic… Continue Reading →

Pope John Paul II? Nope. Reagan? Nah. Gorby? Yes!

Say what you will about Mikhail Gorbachev, I’m having a hard time today understanding the National Constitution Center’s decision to award him with the 2008 Liberty Medal. Just look at this sentence – The former head of the Soviet Union… Continue Reading →

It’s the Elitism Stupid

A long time ago in this very country, liberals once protected the little guy. They sided against elites and fought the good fight against overwhelming odds against the powerful. But today, the self described liberals, have joined the ranks of… Continue Reading →

Sign the Petition! Support a Catholic College

Yesterday we wrote about Rosemary Radford Ruether, a well-known feminist theologian who made news this week because the University of San Diego rescinded Ruether’s appointment to the Portman Chair in Roman Catholic Theology due to her stance on issues including… Continue Reading →

Conservatives Need Not Apply at Catholic College

Saint Michael’s College in Vermont is a Catholic college looking for a professor for their political science department, according to their website. Saint Michael’s College is seeking to fill a full-time, tenure-track position in the Department of Political Science in… Continue Reading →

Georgetown Loses Feith

Listening to Dennis Prager a few days ago I heard former Georgetown professor Doug Feith, who is none too pleased that his contract wasn’t renewed. Feith, the former United States Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and one of the… Continue Reading →

Charles Barkley: Conservatives are Fake Christians

fake christiansby luvnews Step right on up and watch a suicide of the political variety right before your very eyes. It’s ugly. It’s gruesome. And you won’t be able to take your eyes off watching the death of a political… Continue Reading →

San Fran Church Publishes Queer Letter in Bulletin

Just three days after Archbishop George Niederauer issued a public apology for giving communion to two “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” at Most Holy Redeemer church in San Francisco, the parish bulletin published a thank-you note from a member of the… Continue Reading →

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