We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag march for life

Back from the March!

I took the five kids down to D.C. for the March where we met up with Pat and a few of his kids. And our mother came down too. I’m writing this because I just got home and put the… Continue Reading →

Who Said This Pro-Life Quote?

Guess who said the following words at the 1977 pro-Life “March on Washington”: “There are those who argue that the right to privacy is of [a] higher order than the right to life,…that was the premise of slavery. You could… Continue Reading →

Who’s Going to the March for Life?

I’m strongly considering pulling my kids out of school and heading down to D.C. for the March for Life this year. The last few years I just felt like my smallest was a little too young. But now she’s four… Continue Reading →

7 Reasons the March for Life is Better Than Wisconsin Protests

There’s all this fawning press about this amazing group of protesters in Wisconsin. I decided to compare that protest with the March for Life. And I’ve come up with: 7 Reasons the March for Life is better. 1) They say… Continue Reading →

Great Joyful March for Life Video

So these are the anti-choice extremists that the media and the Department of Homeland Security would have us be so scared of. I don’t know. They look kinda’ joyful to me. Thanks to Frank Weathers

Awesome. Pence’s Speech at the March

This is a great speech from Indiana Congressman Mike Pence at the March for Life. I love how he takes on those who would have us ignore social issues and focus solely on fiscal ones (Yeah, Governor Mitch Daniels I’m… Continue Reading →

Showdown at the March for Life?

OK. I was kind of back and forth on this one for a while. Fr. Jenkins, President of Notre Dame, who infamously invited and honored President Barack Obama on campus last year, joined hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers this week… Continue Reading →

Hilarious Media Bias on March for Life

Shhhh. 300,000+ people chanted, yelled and sung their way into Washington D.C. but somehow snuck past the mainstream media without their notice. Congratulations to the ordinary ministers of the media! Now, I could’ve missed it but after searching it seems… Continue Reading →

Does Anyone Remember Dialogue?

Dialogue. It’s a popular word right now. I think it’s partly popular because as long as dialogue continues, nobody has to actually take a stand or make a decision. We can avoid all those messy labels of right and wrong… Continue Reading →

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