I took the five kids down to D.C. for the March where we met up with Pat and a few of his kids. And our mother came down too. I’m writing this because I just got home and put the… Continue Reading →
Guess who said the following words at the 1977 pro-Life “March on Washington”: “There are those who argue that the right to privacy is of [a] higher order than the right to life,…that was the premise of slavery. You could… Continue Reading →
I’m strongly considering pulling my kids out of school and heading down to D.C. for the March for Life this year. The last few years I just felt like my smallest was a little too young. But now she’s four… Continue Reading →
There’s all this fawning press about this amazing group of protesters in Wisconsin. I decided to compare that protest with the March for Life. And I’ve come up with: 7 Reasons the March for Life is better. 1) They say… Continue Reading →
So these are the anti-choice extremists that the media and the Department of Homeland Security would have us be so scared of. I don’t know. They look kinda’ joyful to me. Thanks to Frank Weathers
This is a great speech from Indiana Congressman Mike Pence at the March for Life. I love how he takes on those who would have us ignore social issues and focus solely on fiscal ones (Yeah, Governor Mitch Daniels I’m… Continue Reading →
OK. I was kind of back and forth on this one for a while. Fr. Jenkins, President of Notre Dame, who infamously invited and honored President Barack Obama on campus last year, joined hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers this week… Continue Reading →
Shhhh. 300,000+ people chanted, yelled and sung their way into Washington D.C. but somehow snuck past the mainstream media without their notice. Congratulations to the ordinary ministers of the media! Now, I could’ve missed it but after searching it seems… Continue Reading →
Dialogue. It’s a popular word right now. I think it’s partly popular because as long as dialogue continues, nobody has to actually take a stand or make a decision. We can avoid all those messy labels of right and wrong… Continue Reading →
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