The Daily Mail offers this without irony: The outpouring of euphoric optimism currently gripping the U.S. following the inauguration of Barack Obama may yet result in a baby boom towards the end of this year.An ‘Obama baby boom’ may sound… Continue Reading →
January 20 – (Washington D.C.) An alarming outbreak of a mysterious disease has health officials puzzled. Emergency rooms around the Capitol and across the country are being visited by thousands of people who are reporting alarming “leg tingles” which started… Continue Reading →
– I’m not sure why Sarah Palin felt the need to do that interview about media bias. What does she gain from it? To those who don’t like her it will come across as whining. To those in the “I… Continue Reading →
The liberal left which includes the media has grown alarmingly anti-semitic in the past decade. Their reflexive position is almost always to fault Israel. Newsweek published an opinion piece this week that really takes the cake. The writer begs Obama… Continue Reading →
The UK Times must have realized suddenly that they hadn’t besmirched Pope Benedict XVI in weeks so they quickly cobbled together a ridiculous piece claiming essentially that nobody goes to see poor Pope Benedict anymore. Why? Oh it’s because he… Continue Reading →
Time Magazine has declared the death of religion more times than they’ve said “Bush lied, Children died.” And that’s a lot. But I think here they do have a point here although I think they overstate it by a mile…. Continue Reading →
The Washington Post in a story on the conscience clause which allows health care workers to refuse to perform actions they deem objectionable, the Washington Post had this paragraph: The rule is supported by a variety of conservative groups, including… Continue Reading →
The New York Times is criticizing Ave Maria Mutual Funds, whose Web site promises “smart investing and Catholic values.” Now, I’m not getting into the merits of the company which I don’t know. I don’t have the money to do… Continue Reading →
In their annual Man of the Year edition, Time Magazine “honors” Sarah Palin as one of the runners-up. But then they show their unabashed bias in such an awful way that they really should be ashamed of themselves -if they… Continue Reading →
It’s become the cultural motif that Christianity and individual rights are at loggerheads, highlighted most recently by the unsuccessful efforts of homosexual advocates to procure the ability to marry others of the same sex over the protestations of the religious… Continue Reading →
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