We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag media bias

Are You a Fundamentalist?

I was reading a few stories on the new movie Brideshead Revisited and came across a word not often associated with Catholicism. In asking the screenwriter of the film which seems to bastardize the great Catholic novel what the story… Continue Reading →

Will The Anti-Miracle Faction Please Stand Up

The stupidest sentence I saw today was in an article on ABC News. Next week, the Pope will visit the tomb of Mary MacKillop, the founder of Australia’s Josephite nuns. Mary MacKillop is just one step away from becoming a… Continue Reading →

Guess What Word Was Left Out?

Here’s a story from CNN.com about a Pakistani man in Atlanta accused of killing his daughter because she wanted out of an arranged marriage. Guess what word was left out of this story about the honor killing? Chaudhry Rashid, 54,… Continue Reading →

Cancel the 4th of July, America Has Sinned

Like the Grinch trying to steal Christmas, the Philadelphia Inquirer today attempted to cancel America’s birthday. Why? Because of George W. Bush, of course. This is easily the most outrageous and ridiculous sliming of America I’ve read in weeks. I… Continue Reading →

Photo Essay of Obama by Objective Press

The pictures say it all, don’t they? And this, I think, is a pretty fair example of how the objective media has been treating Barack Obama. Folks, this is supposed to be America. The media is supposed to be on… Continue Reading →

Media Doesn’t Understand Religion

The Chicago Tribune asks: Have Southern Baptists lost their way? The question I would pose as a logical follow-up would be lost their way to what? The Trib obviously believes that religions should be judged solely on numbers. As a… Continue Reading →

From Cool to Uncool

There’s no way to avoid all the media hype around former White House spokesperson Scott Mclellan essentially coming out against President George W. Bush and the White house. It’s everywhere. Keith Olberman and Chris Matthews are lionizing him for telling… Continue Reading →

Scandalous Jesus Bio Set for Release

According to FoxNews the director of “Basic Instinct” will make scandalous claims about Jesus and Mary in an upcoming biography about Jesus. In his upcoming biography of Jesus, “Basic Instinct” director Paul Verhoeven will make the shocking claim that Christ… Continue Reading →

Our Badly Misunderstood Pope

It’s great having the Pope here if only to see how shallow our country’s media really is. (As if we needed reminding) The media clearly has no idea what to do with Pope Benedict’s visit. I know it’s no news… Continue Reading →

Good Morning America Goes Negative on Pope

This morning as I was jamming my kids into their uniforms Good Morning America was talking about the chances of Pope Benedict endorsing any of the candidates for President. RRRgghghghghghgh! This is such a serious flaw in their thinking as… Continue Reading →

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