We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag motherhood

My Journey to Motherhood

Note from Matt: This is my sister Mary posting again. She posted last week and she got great feedback from you folks so here she is again. Enjoy. I think it’s awesome. When you first get married you talk to… Continue Reading →

Totally Together Mom Loses it

Adventures of a New Mom As my brothers may have mentioned I am the sister who just had her first child. As the youngest of 7 and the aunt to 19 I figured that I would transition to this mother… Continue Reading →

You Can Help Save a Child

We here at CMR never ask for donations for ourselves. We figure that if we weren’t blogging here we’d just be yelling the same things at passing cars. We are a pro-life blog obviously. And my wife and I try… Continue Reading →

Horror Vid: Mother Tries to Smother Child

This is an awful video of a woman attempting to smother her baby in a hospital. Thankfully everything turned out OK thanks to the hospital staff. The woman was convicted on two counts of injury to a child with serious… Continue Reading →

Ultrasound Belt? See Unborn Baby 24/7?

Now here’s something definitely weird and possibly wonderful. It’s kind of an ultrasound belt that expectant mothers could wear that would constantly show their baby. It’s called a PreVue and was featured in the mag Business Insider. This would seem… Continue Reading →

Women Abort Because They Love Motherhood

I’ve seen this tactic being used more and more by the pro-death crowd. Pro-aborts argue in favor of killing babies out of love because they want their imaginary children to be given a great life with advantages so anything less… Continue Reading →

Having Babies Makes Moms Brain Grow

Having babies makes mothers brains grow, according to a new study. That must be why those Catholic women with all those kids seem so smart, huh? I don’t think this has worked on my wife but hey, it’s science. (I… Continue Reading →

I’ve Got My Druthers

I find myself completely lacking the ability to chit. And I’m very poor at chatting. Combining the chit and chat makes me a verbose lunatic capable of only non-sequiturs and insane rantings. Case in point, yesterday: I’m at the park… Continue Reading →

Mother Delays Treatment to Have Child

This is a beautiful story about a mother and a father’s love for a baby. Wesley J. Smith of Secondhand Smoke found it in the LA Times. I was just going to put it up on the CMR Reader but… Continue Reading →

Decriminalizing Infanticide

A Catholic state legislator in Texas has introduced shocking new legislation that would effectively reduce infanticide to a fineable offense for the first 12 months of a baby’s life. The bill states that if a mother kills her own child… Continue Reading →

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