A National Catholic Reporter editorial bemoaned the new translation of the liturgy, saying it makes them feel sad. And CMR is all like boo-freakin’ hoo. But there was one paragraph where we couldn’t help but agree with the editorial. Wholeheartedly…. Continue Reading →
Excommunicated Sister of Mercy Margaret McBride received the 2011 Call To Action Leadership Award at their annual conference precisely for her role in a decision at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix to abort an 11 week old… Continue Reading →
Wow. I didn’t think that the National Catholic Reporter could get any stranger. But they did. And not just by a little. Get this, NCR writer Michael Sean Winters writes a letter to Speaker John Boehner as if he were… Continue Reading →
There is quite the tiff going on between William Donohue of the Catholic League and the denizens of dissent at the National Catholic Reporter. It seems that other NCR does not like Bill very much. The published a piece by… Continue Reading →
OK. I’m getting a little tired of being told that Jesus wants universal health care. No. Actually a lot tired. But Nicole Sotelo of the National Catholic Reporter, I guess, doesn’t care too much about my fatigue because she makes… Continue Reading →
The vomitously liberal National Catholic Reporter is feigning outrage over Glenn Beck’s comment that President Barack Obama is a racist. But to be fair they’re always outraged over there. Not a lot of humor at that site. But their obsession… Continue Reading →
The latest editorial from the National Catholic Reporter lambastes the pro-life effort of bishops. I’m trying to make heads or tails out of their point of view but it just seems to follow the already stale Kmiec-isms that the real… Continue Reading →
The lead editorial in the December 28thissue of the National Catholic Reporter entitled “Liturgy reform: No going back.” One gets the sense in reading it that the editors of NCR are trying to convince themselves that even though they have… Continue Reading →
The Nominal Catholic Reporter (Catholic in name only) continues its rush to irrelevance in this weeks edition. Their target audience must be a small cadre of geriatric dissidents with “groovy” notions of what relevance means. This week, NCR gushes over… Continue Reading →
I went and did it again. I made the mistake of reading the National Catholic Reporter. Ugh! Can we please stop pretending that The NCR is even remotely Catholic. Their most recent editorial is absolutely ludicrous. They are actually defending… Continue Reading →
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