We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag obamacare

Story of Bill and Jill Green

*subhead*Mandates, mandates.*subhead* Since the Obama administration is so fond of fictional narratives, I thought I would write one too about Bill and Jill. Bill and Jill Green are entrepreneurs. The Greens met in college studying environmental engineering. Bill and Jill… Continue Reading →

Liberal Ladies Suddenly Preach Abstinence!

A group of liberal women are putting together a Sex strike for Obamacare. The women’s group “Liberal Ladies Who Lunch” is going on a sex strike called “Access Denied: Sex Strike.” The event, which is scheduled to take place between… Continue Reading →

Now That’s a Catholic College!

The President of Belmont Abbey College President said he would close the college before submitting to the HHS mandate that would require them to provide coverage for contraceptives and sterilization procedures, according to Campus Notes. Now that’s a Catholic college!… Continue Reading →

Klavan on Ryan’s Plan vs. Obamacare

I think Klavan sums it up pretty nicely.

Reid and Pelosi – Obamacare Power Brokers

Everyone’s calling out Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for being hypocrites for working to get waivers for their districts and states. But maybe it’s been the plan the entire time. Pelosi infamously said that they had to pass the healthcare… Continue Reading →

Dem: Medical Choices Must “Come from Govt”

Control is the end goal. It always was and always will be for big government thugs. What could go wrong with the government deciding how much you’re worth treating. Perfect. Doesn’t this follow in a direct manner from President Obama’s… Continue Reading →

Federal Judge Voids All Of ObamaCare!!!

This is not the end of the road, it is the closer to the beginning. But Wow. President Barack Obama’s health care reform legislation, assailed as an abuse of federal power in a 26-state lawsuit, was ruled unconstitutional by a… Continue Reading →

Pelosi Says the Darnedest Things

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi just said that even if every American was completely happy with their health insurance, Obamacare would still be needed. Oh, and to repeal it is akin to “violence.” Ya’ know I’m starting to wonder if Nancy… Continue Reading →

Senator Writes Letter to Santa

I wasn’t really planning on posting much today but this story was just so ridiculous that I had to. In the lamest political stunt evah, New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez wrote a public letter to Santa apologizing that man made… Continue Reading →

Obamacare Nun Honored by Jesuit University

A Jesuit university is honoring Sr. Carol Keehan who publicly supported Obamacare against the bishop’s wishes and despite the bill’s federal funding of abortion. Keehan’s support was a huge public relations coup for the Obama administration which believed her endorsement… Continue Reading →

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