In honor of Tony Blair’s audience with the Pope today, we republish today our speculation on how the conversation should proceed. Tony: Thank you so much for receiving us your Holiness. I bring you the warmest regards of all the… Continue Reading →
An Associated Press piece on abortion and communion once again misses the mark badly. The piece starts: Three years after a few outspoken U.S. Roman Catholic bishops tied together presidential politics, abortion and the Communion rail, leaders of the nation’s… Continue Reading →
Orthodox Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus is offering his services as a mediator in an effort to set up a groundbreaking meeting between the Pope and the Russian Orthodox patriarch of Moscow Alexy II. This all comes out of an… Continue Reading →
VATICAN CITY – A man leaped over a barricade during Pope Benedict’s weekly audience on Wednesday and tried to jump on to his moving, open-topped popemobile but was stopped by guards. The man took the Pope’s bodyguards by surprise and… Continue Reading →
The Philadelphia Church of God publishes a Magazine called the Trumpet. The current issue has an article on Pope Benedict that is certainly interesting. The language and point of view are interesting. The point of view is that of a… Continue Reading →
CWN is reporting that Tony Blair will visit with the Pope before leaving office. This is sure to stoke the speculation fires regarding Mr. Blair’s future entry into the Catholic Church. So we have decided to gaze into our crystal… Continue Reading →
John Allen has an editorial over at NCR in which he criticizes Pope Benedict for being “remarkably tone-deaf”. In support of his premise Allen sights the Regensburg speech which so upset the Muslim world last September and most recently the… Continue Reading →
It is coming! As is being covered in many places, Cardinal Castrillón confirmed at the CELAM conference in a speech that the Motu Proprio is on its way. Here are some of the pertinent bits from Rorate: Undoubtedly, the most… Continue Reading →
Sometimes you just have to give it to Bill Donohue of the Catholic League. He’s a little harsh sometimes for my taste but listen to this. A story today by the Associated Press on Pope Benedict XVI’s address in Brazil… Continue Reading →
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Brazil’s Indians Offended by Pope Comments
From the AFP Outraged Indian leaders in Brazil said on Monday they were offended byPope Benedict’s “arrogant and disrespectful” comments that the Roman Catholic Church had purified them and a revival of their religions would be a backward step. In… Continue Reading →