A new study has given a blogger (me) a great idea for a class action lawsuit. I’ll explain later but if you’d like to join the suit please let me know in the combox. It’s gonna’ rain cash, baby!!! A… Continue Reading →
Taylor Marshall, a Catholic convert, is one of our favorite bloggers. We’ve asked him to write a few guest posts for us this month and he kindly agreed. He’s a lot smarter than us so be prepared for some high… Continue Reading →
Time Magazine has declared the death of religion more times than they’ve said “Bush lied, Children died.” And that’s a lot. But I think here they do have a point here although I think they overstate it by a mile…. Continue Reading →
Presbyterians have taken out their granite-colored whiteout and annulled the 6th Commandment right out of existence. For those playing at home that’s the “Do Not Commit Adultery” Commandment…I mean suggestion. You remember the Ten Commandments, right? They were written by… Continue Reading →
A Protestant church in Georgia has added a drive-thru service, says the Post Bulletin. By the time the Rev. Norman Markle started his sermon, everyone was still in their vehicles — just as planned. The 150-year-old New Hope United Methodist… Continue Reading →
Slippery slope arguments tend to not to be a convincing line of debate. However sometimes they are right on. Let’s go back a few centuries an imagine a time just after the reformation. Imagine a Catholic voice arguing that a… Continue Reading →
From Online Opinion By Peter Sellick Let me propose an outrageous suggestion. The 16th century Reformers of the church had good cause to protest against a church that was drunk on power and greed and which had largely reduced the… Continue Reading →
The Philadelphia Church of God publishes a Magazine called the Trumpet. The current issue has an article on Pope Benedict that is certainly interesting. The language and point of view are interesting. The point of view is that of a… Continue Reading →
While we’re constantly told the Catholic Church is patriarchal, sexist, and outdated, the Catholic Church remained the largest Christian church in the U.S. in 2005 with a reported membership of 69,135,254, or nearly 42 percent of all Christian church membership,… Continue Reading →
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