I often check out the news in England and Europe because it’s like reading future news here in America. They seem slightly ahead of us on the anti-Christian, secular humanism craziness. Today I saw that care homes for the elderly… Continue Reading →
Here’s the quote that jumped out at me in this piece by the Catholic Standard and Times concerning Michelle Obama’s visit to Villanova University: Casey Dolan, a senior at Villanova and a volunteer at the rally, encouraged the protesters in… Continue Reading →
A “breathtaking” ruling from where else but a California appeals court could subject the parents of 166,000 students in the state to criminal sanctions will be taken to the state Supreme Court. And then the ruling could go national. In… Continue Reading →
Dutch Catholics have re-branded the Lent fast as the “Christian Ramadan” in an attempt to appeal to young people who are more likely to know about Islam than Christianity, says The UK Telegraph. The Catholic charity Vastenaktie, which collects for… Continue Reading →
This whole three parent embryo thing is bothering me. As a former reporter I’m trained to always look at who benefits by the committing of any ridiculous or heinous act. So I put my little brain to work and came… Continue Reading →
This column in Newsweek by Kathleen Deveny in who calls herself a “practicing Catholic” is an unintentionally sad one because I believe what she says is probably very widespread. Here’s the thing in its entirety. It’s worth reading because it’s… Continue Reading →
Rocky Mountain News published this Q and A with Archbishop Charles Chaput, who recently spoke out against a bill in the state House that he deemed an “attack on religious identity.” The bill is so restrictive that it would forbid… Continue Reading →
ESPN anchor Dana Jacobsen got all “likkered up” the other night during a charity roast of the hosts of the Mike and Mike show. So, what did she actually say? According to the website Deadspin: f… Notre dame”“f….touchdown Jesus”and –… Continue Reading →
We all know how that University in Italy reacted to a potential visit from Pope Benedict. They reacted as if the Pope were dangerous. I think we can all agree that it was ridiculous. But now the media’s spin on… Continue Reading →
Evangelical Christian Film Is Inappropriate For Public School, Americans United Tells Alabama Educators The movie “Facing the Giants” is about a losing coach with an underdog football team which faces their giants of fear and failure on and off the… Continue Reading →
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