A conservative columnist and author, J. Pepper Bryars, for AL.com wrote a column recently “about how it’s monstrous to abort unborn babies because they have Down syndrome.” As you might imagine his inbox filled with some hate. Probably some beautiful… Continue Reading →
The headline says, “Sweden Releases ‘Sex Guidebook’ to Teach Young Migrants Not to Rape.” Hmmm. Say, isn’t Sweden just trying to impose its values on these poor immigrants? But if they’re serious about this, they may want to start with… Continue Reading →
I love the website Newsbusters because I imagine rows of cubicles of people sitting around watching television and their boss yelling at them to watch more tv. But I also like it because it saves me from having to watch… Continue Reading →
The problem with those who say they’d go back in time to kill Hitler as a baby is that everyone eventually begins to look like baby Hitler. And that’s what we’re facing now. Before us, we see a generation that… Continue Reading →
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