For many years, one of the main arguments for abortion was to simply punt on the question of humanity. They’d say since we can’t say when life begins we might as well keep it open season on babies until they’re born (and sometimes a little after).

Now, nobody with an honest mind can actually question when life begins. When they say they don’t know when life begins they’re intending to say they’re unsure when life is worthy of being protected. Or they say that it’s they don’t know when “life” becomes human life.

But it seems to me that Thomas Jefferson took care of all this. The opening of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, states as follows:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


A thought about that. If the Declaration is one of the foundational document on which this country stands, it would seem to me this country, if it is to be based on principles rather than fads and whims of elitists in matching robes, there could not be legal abortion.

If all men are created equal that tells us that when we are created we are equal to all others and assume the same rights as others – even those fortunate enough to make it outside the womb.

It doesn’t say that when we are born we assume those rights. It says that we are created equal.

I don’t think anyone could argue that creation itself occurs anytime other than the moment of conception.

How could the pro-abortion types advance their agenda is “created” was the yardstick by which we judged humanity? Could they possibly argue that creation happens at a moment other than conception.

Scientifically, it is without question that conception involves creation of a human. One couldn’t possibly argue that creation occurs later. I’ve heard pro-abort types argue that it becomes human later or if talking religion they argue when the moment of ensoulment occurs. But there’s no way to argue logically that creation takes place at any moment other than conception.

Now, I understand that the Declaration is not the Constitution but I would argue that it embodies the truth on which our system stands. And in this day and age when justices say they can pick and choose their way through other countries’ documents to find substantiation for their own laws, the Declaration would at least seem to hit closer to home. And the Declaration itself and those words have been used in Supreme Court decisions including the infamous Amistad case.

I know that pro-abortion types and their grisly cadre of followers will simply pretend not to understand the distinction of when creation occurs. They’ll say it’s above their pay grade or something. In fact, the Supreme Court has ignored these great words before. In 1857, the Supreme Court ignored the words of our founding fathers with their ruling in Dred Scott v. Sanford that stated that slaves could be treated as property of the slaveholder. Part of America’s story is that a terrible price has been paid by America when she failed to live up to those words.

America has always struggled with the ideals laid forth in the Declaration. That struggle started with Jefferson himself and exhibits itself in every generation. We struggle with those words and we seek to live up to them. Jefferson, who penned those famous words, owned slaves.

But those words didn’t die with Jefferson. Almost a century later, Abraham Lincoln used Jefferson’s words in his efforts to end slavery. Lincoln sought to raise America and push it to live up to those words.

And a century after that, Martin Luther King Jr. invoked those same words in calling the nation to fulfill its promise to make all men equal.

And now, we too look to Jefferson’s words. We seek to make his words written almost 250 years ago more true than they have ever been before. We call out to America to live up to its promise. We invoke Jefferson’s words and we call on America to simply become better than she is today.