What the…
Todd Starnes reports: The Make-A-Wish Foundation refused to grant 4-year-old cancer patient Rocco DiMaggio a wish to go to Disneyworld because he is not vaccinated.
His age group, which includes his younger 2-year-old brother, is not eligible for the jab.
“It was a punch in the gut,” Rocco’s mom told Newsmax of the Make-A-Wish Foundation’s policy that led to canceling the Disneyworld opportunity.
The policy states that all families members for groups with wishes that involve air travel must be vaccinated.
Even if Rocco was old enough, his mom said she is not sure she would give him the vaccine because he’s already had COVID twice and is immunocompromised.
When will this madness stop? The kid is 4 years old and has had Covid twice. I just don’t get it.
Thank goodness another organization stepped in.
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