I love how they say that freedom of speech is core to their mission as they’re banning words. So what happens if you use those words?

Insanity. I have no words for this, which is apropos because I’d probably just call it a “lame” attempt by near senile boomers to act like gurus of compassion. These gray bearded chiefs are a pox upon academia. They seek to groom our children and we pay them for it.

We’re the real idiots. They’re just being stupid and crazy. We’re the ones paying them to do it.

The Blaze reports that, “Stanford University has identified a list of words and phrases that it will soon be removing from its websites. “American,” “he,” “straight,” and “gentlemen” are among the forbidden words listed in the school’s index of so-called “harmful language.”

Stanford claims on its website that “freedom of speech is core to the mission of academic life of our university.”

Here’s a list of the words:

Oh my. This is just too precious.