The Jesuit run Fordham University is becoming gender inclusive.

I think it was Chesterton who said “A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.”

Fordham is a dead thing.

Fordham University recently approved the removal of common restroom signage indicating use for either the male or female sex at one building on the Lincoln Center campus, embracing part of a student-led campaign to make the University more “gender inclusive.”

According to The Fordham Observer, the changes to signs in the Leon Lowenstein building were pushed by The Positive, a student activist group. The restroom signage initiative started during the 2015 spring semester when The Positive reportedly entered into dialogue with Fordham’s administration and student government.

The Cardinal Newman Society reports that six Jesuit universities have made the change over to gender inclusive bathrooms.

And one now provides gender inclusive housing.
