This is an amazing, inspiring and uplifting video.
Be very careful if you ever get invited to a dinner party by clergy of the Church of England! Openly gay and un-celibate Bishop Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, the man who lit the fire which is burning the Anglican… Continue Reading →
In a column entitled “Pope Statement Derails Religious Unity,” conservative columnist Armstrong Williams showed the world just how shallow and reactionary his thoughts truly are. I was so disappointed in Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican for releasing a document… Continue Reading →
I know that this video made the rounds some time back, but just in case someone has not seen it I am posting it now. If you are unfamiliar with the Hoyts, please read the story before the watching the… Continue Reading →
Summorum Pontificum: I May Have to Move to Virginia——After seeing this pastor’s response, I may have to move to McLean! Is the Fat Lady Singing for the Anglican “Communion?”——Boycott could spell the end of the Anglican Communion. Can the CofE… Continue Reading →
Below is a great example of the Pope’s genius! Allowing individual priests and pastors to make a difference. I have not come across a better example than the Letter from the bulletin of St. John the Beloved in McLean Va…. Continue Reading →
Everyone’s now read about this cat that predicts death. Living at a hospice in Providence, R.I. Oscar has a remarkable track record of curling up next to patients who, within hours of his arrival by them, die. So far, he… Continue Reading →
Is the Fat Lady Singing for the “Anglican Communion?” There are reports today that fully 6 of 10 Bishops might boycott next year’s Lambeth conference. Were that to happen, it might effectively be the end of the Anglican Communion. This… Continue Reading →
A Visit to Ave Maria University——D Mac gives us a first hand report of his visit to Ave Maria and he is not impressed. Renewal of Architecture: Duncan Stroik——The earliest and most persistent voice in the current revival of classical… Continue Reading →
I was able to visit the new town, campus and chapel of Ave Maria University near Naples, Florida this weekend, and offer some pictures and comments. First, it should be said that university founder and pizza mogul Tom Monaghan should… Continue Reading →
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