This headline just made me laugh. Mom and Talkative Toddler Tossed off Plane. I’m not taking my kids on vacation on this airline.
Yesterday was World Population Day and you missed it. I know you’re embarrassed. The United Nations came up with the idea and you, you selfish creep, missed it. Underlying this wonderful day is the UN Population Fund’s belief that we… Continue Reading →
Three cheers to Damian Thompson of the UK Telegraph for telling the Beeb (BBC) to take a hike when they came calling. Mr. Thompson is well aware of the consistent bias shown by the beeb when they asked him to… Continue Reading →
Triumphalist Flair——A little papist paraphernalia in our moment of joy! See them all. Washington Post Hits New Low with Vitter——Journalists finally find a politician they want kicked out of the church. Reverend Tori Spelling Marries Two Men——No, she is not… Continue Reading →
This has been such an incredible week for the Pope and the Church. For one shining moment faith and reason won the day. I am grateful and overwhelmed. We have spent so much time in the shadows, afraid to show… Continue Reading →
This seems to me to be a new low in journalism, even for the Washington Post. As we all know Sen. David Vitter’s phone number was on the DC Madam’s phone list. Vitter, in damage control mode, released a response:… Continue Reading →
Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League is screaming and yelling about the offensiveness of Catholics praying for the Jews in the Tridentine Mass. Is this really that bad? Isn’t it actually nice? You know when there’s an entire religion/culture bent… Continue Reading →
Tori Spelling received her official “Reverend” certificate in the mail and promptly oversaw the marriage of two men. Said Tori: “It was so beautiful as I united Tony and Dex as life partners in love. They wrote their own beautiful… Continue Reading →
Amber Alert for Father Richard McBrien——Vatican one-two punch may be too much for Fr. McBrien. CDF Document on ‘The Doctrine On The Church’——What the meaning of ‘is’ is. We Are Getting Our Money’s Worth——U.S. contributions payed back in entertainment value…. Continue Reading →
Has anybody checked on Fr. Richard McBrien of Notre Dame? I know that after the motu proprio was released his graduate assistants took away his shoelaces. And now the news that he belongs to the “one true church” may be… Continue Reading →
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