Hip hip hooray! A hurricane is coming to cause death and destruction during the Republican convention. This is a taped conversation between former DNC chairman Don Fowler and Rep. John Spratt (D-SC). “The hurricane is going to hit New Orleans… Continue Reading →
Well, vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden might have stepped in it with women voters (again): Here’s a quote from a recent campaign appearance: “Ladies and gentlemen, my wife, Jill, who you’ll meet soon, is drop-dead gorgeous,” Biden said. “She also has… Continue Reading →
Presidential candidate Barack Obama has distanced himself from the Rev. Wright, Fr. Pfleger, Bill Ayers and now…Obama has distanced himself his own campaign. Well, remember right after the Palin announcement was made the Obama/Biden campaign put out a scathing release:… Continue Reading →
The introduction of Sarah Palin has instigated an angry symphony of insults directed towards the veep pick. The main thrust of all the coverage is her “inexperience.” Now mind you, the news media never discussed the “inexperience” of their friend… Continue Reading →
Here is a roundup of some interesting stories around the blogosphere. Some about the week in politics. Some not. First, Erin Manning discusses the surprising topic that has popped up here and elsewhere “Should Mothers Be Vice Presidents?” Go see… Continue Reading →
Rosie The Republican 2008—Girl Power! Sexist Anchor Knocks Palin—CNN asks if Palin is neglecting her newborn by accepting nomination? Babies, Guns, and Jesus. Hot Damn!—Quote of the day! Beauty and the Beast: Sarah Palin is the Veep!—Is Sarah Palin the… Continue Reading →
You knew the media bias would start off fast and furious in their attempt to knock Sarah Palin. This from the always great Newsbusters CNN’s John Roberts, after briefly alluding to the issue of Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s experience… Continue Reading →
Rush Limbaugh just almost made me crash my car. I was out grabbing a sandwich listening to el Rushbo on the Sarah Palin pick. First, he played a montage of Obama repeatedly saying “I” over and over and over again…. Continue Reading →
Is Sarah Palin, the ardently pro-life Governor of Alaska, set to become the Republican Vice Presidential nominee? The answer is a resounding YES!!!!!! As you can tell, CMR couldn’t be happpier. The editors of National Review wrote this afternoon a… Continue Reading →
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