Italian Rabbis Shun Pope—Aren’t there worse things than having someone pray for you? Obama and Lincoln: The Contrast—While the media compares the two, CMR does a little contrasting. The Purpose Driven Governor—Bobby Jindal on faith, shortcuts, and those made in… Continue Reading →
OK. I’ll admit it. First, I was surprised that there were enough Italian rabbis to actually hold a press conference. But then I was surprised that not only are there a bunch of them but they’re mad at the Pope…. Continue Reading →
OK. Show of hands. Who thinks the obsession of comparing Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln is getting a little creepy. It seems that now Obama’s bought into it. Here’s the latest from the NY Post: In what will be a… Continue Reading →
CMR fave for President in 2012 is Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. Jindal, who is Catholic, gave an interview to syndicated columnist Cal Thomas. The entire interview is worth reading, but I wanted to highlight this section in which Thomas… Continue Reading →
Hospital To Force Docs to Abort?—The right to act according to your conscience is being played out right now in hospitals and Congress. Kabuki Theater—The Blogo-Obama_Burris saga is one big charade. Red Cardigan Is Sick and Crazy—I spent two days… Continue Reading →
Remember President Bush recently implemented safeguards to prevent hospital staff from being forced to perform abortions and medical activities against their religious beliefs. Pro-choice groups, of course, cried foul, arguing that the last-minute regulation is an attack on a woman’s… Continue Reading →
For the last 2 weeks I have been laughing at the very entertaining show that has been put on for our benefit. The cast of this little play includes Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama, Roland Burris, and of course Harry Reid…. Continue Reading →
Red Cardigan Is Sick and Crazy—I spent two days in the hospital and all I got was this lousy t-shirt. Dawkins is Science, Collins is Religion—My epic trip to the bookstore this weekend had me wondering where science ends and… Continue Reading →
I would like to ask all of you for your prayers for Catholic blogger extraordinaire and CMR pal, Erin Manning. (aka Red Cardigan) She spent the last two days in the hospital (and we thought she was just being lazy)…. Continue Reading →
So I escaped my home for a few hours on Saturday by chloroforming my wife and stapling the children to the carpet and I made my way to Barnes and Noble bookstore nearby for a few hours. I love going… Continue Reading →
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