Hospital To Force Docs to Abort?
—The right to act according to your conscience is being played out right now in hospitals and Congress.

Kabuki Theater
—The Blogo-Obama_Burris saga is one big charade.

Red Cardigan Is Sick and Crazy
—I spent two days in the hospital and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

Dawkins is Science, Collins is Religion
—My epic trip to the bookstore this weekend had me wondering where science ends and atheism begins.

No Agenda Here!
—A transexual, a homosexual dolphin trainer, and a bisexual artist walk into Brooklyn.

Enter The Sacred
—Cool video on Eucharistic Adoration.

Why I Won’t Join the Church of Matt
—Newspaper defends “modern” priest and suggests the Church needs to get “relevant.”

Creative Minority Reader

Some Non Sequitirs on Sarah and Obama
—Why is Sarah talking about media bias. Let CMR do it.

Paris Hilton On Chastity
—Airhead Heiress on chastity. Be expensive.

Is He Not In On The Joke That He Is?
—Bill Clinton should not be talking about rugs in the Oval office.

Irresistible Force v. Immovable Object
—Lessons my marriage has yet to teach me.