60% of Students at Inner City Chicago School Flunk 8th Grade. Now truthfully when you read that headline it hardly raises an eyebrow anymore, does it? We’ve come to expect failure in our government schools. CBS2 reports: A startling number… Continue Reading →
When is science not science? Well not when it’s from someone who believes babies in the womb aren’t just blobs of tissue. A biology program originally approved in the Australian state of New South Wales to teach public schoolchildren about… Continue Reading →
You’ve got to watch this. The Prez swats a fly and the “objective” media is astounded. They acted like he just achieved world peace. It’s actually pretty funny if they weren’t grownups. I think if Bush had killed a fly,… Continue Reading →
What is good if there is no God? Atheists want to know. I’m serious. They’ll actually pay to find out, according to The Examiner. In a world without God, good, it would seem to me, could only mean what you… Continue Reading →
“If I knew things would no longer be, I would have tried to remember better. “ This is Sam Krichinsky’s lament from the 1990 movie Avalon about life in his in his beloved Baltimore. Sam, who had come to Baltimore… Continue Reading →
You want to know how stupid I am. Well, you can read this blog and get a pretty good idea. But I’m even stupider than you think. I love Dean Koontz. There. I said it. If this guy writes it… Continue Reading →
The new Church of Saint Michael the Archangel in Leawood, Kansas was dedicated by Archbishop Joseph Naumann over the weekend within the Vigil Mass for Corpus Christi . CMR readers have seen a number of posts on the church over… Continue Reading →
It’s pilot season at CMR Entertainment Corporation and we’re in the midst of creating a few new shows for the fall lineup. Here’s the new lineup for the upcoming CMR channel. Hope you enjoy our sitcoms this year. Those Wacky… Continue Reading →
Irony is abortionists worrying about where the next generation of abortionists is going to come from. You can’t make this stuff up. One mainstream media organization is saying abortionists are getting old and when the old generation retires who’s going… Continue Reading →
The state of Connecticut’s attempts to silence the Church is not just a Catholic problem. And the sooner all Christians stand up to the bullying tactics of the state, the safer every religious organization in this country will be. As… Continue Reading →
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