Red State is reporting a rumor that’s pretty scary. Now, normally I’m wary of rumors but this one is scary enough to throw it out there. And it feels like something Rahm Emmanuel would do: Head’s up: there is a… Continue Reading →
So President of these United States Barack Obama infamously said that knowing when life begins is above his pay grade. Then how come the guy he hired knows so much about it? Patterico writes: John P. Holdren, director of the… Continue Reading →
“We have lost our faith in politics, but not in the church.” That is the battle cry of four German dairy farmers. Dairy farmers in Germany and Europe in general have been going through a very rough time as the… Continue Reading →
Caitlin Borgmann, a professor at CUNY School of Law and editor of the Reproductive Rights Prof Blog, wrote an article entitled “Parental Involvement Laws for Abortion: Irrational, Unnecessary and Downright Dangerous” for The Jurist. Borgmann argues that parents shouldn’t be… Continue Reading →
There’s a point. I don’t know when it happens but it does happen. I can best explain it like this: If someone young and vigorous falls everyone around them laughs and puts it on YouTube. But if a sick or… Continue Reading →
Scott Johnson of Powerline scares me. He doesn’t believe in the reality of Blue Dog Democrats. He says they’re usually just liberals from conservative districts. He writes: I’ve never much believed in the concept of a “blue dog Democrat.” As… Continue Reading →
OK. These smarty pants UN loving types seem to love two things: condoms and funding. They love talking about condoms, they love funding condoms, they love the idea of passing them out to kids. And getting mad cash to do… Continue Reading →
In case you’re wondering this is a real college. I looked it up. It’s probably just a bit harder to get into than Villanova University.HT Failblog
Yeah sure, God become man. And He definitely rose from the dead. But there’s no way he multiplied loaves and fishes for people to eat. That’s the logic of so many when they deny the physical nature of the miracle… Continue Reading →
As many of you probably read somewhere, an ESPN sportscaster had her privacy invaded when someone filmed her changing her clothes in the privacy of her hotel room. The video was released online and created quite an uproar when the… Continue Reading →
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