We Laugh Because We Believe

Month September 2009

Pope Believes in Intelligent Design?

When I read journalists writing about matters of faith, I often find myself stuck on words which clearly don’t mean the same thing to me as they mean to them. Stumbling blocks to clear writing are words like “fundamentalist” which… Continue Reading →

New Church in Virginia

I received some photos today of a new church being designed for the parish of St. John in Leesburg, Virginia. With thanks to my friend Michael Franck from Franck and Lohsen architects in Washington, DC. More to come!

Ich Bin Ein … Waiting For Germany’s 9/11

Threats come and threats go. We have seen this many times in our post 9/11 world. Al Qaeda or some affiliated group says that another attack is imminent. So too reports that something called “chatter” is high. You keep in… Continue Reading →

Pouillon. “Thrilled” to be Killed?

This is one of the strangest quotes I’ve seen in a news story concerning pro-life murder victim James Pouillon. And to make matters worse it comes from a Baptist pastor. I’m perfectly willing to admit that I’m getting this wrong…. Continue Reading →

Nazis with a Fetus Fetish

For some weird reason the murder of a pro-lifer has given some media and Planned Parenthood an opportunity to discuss all the violence done against abortion clinic workers. Now to be fair, CBS didn’t exhibit any bias in their story… Continue Reading →

HuffPo on Pro-Life Murder

Remember the day that the abortionist George Tiller was killed, some folks at the Huffington Post was scouring pro-life sites and looking for comments that were either cavalier about the murder or even condoning it. Well, today I checked out… Continue Reading →

Pro-Lifer Murdered. Where’s the Outrage?

A pro-life protester was shot and killed this morning in front of a Michigan high school. So…where’s the outrage? Remember the day George Tiller was killed? Before we even knew if the murder was abortion related, it was above the… Continue Reading →

Bishop Martino was a Clunker?

The obnoxious, spiritually deformed, obnoxious, micro-managing, Republican sounding, out-of-step, theologically faulty, hated, Palin-esque, Roberto Duran-ish, obsolete, inefficient, polluting, control freak Bishop Joseph Martino is gone. So says Anthony Stevens Arroyo who writes for the On Faith blog and is ironically… Continue Reading →

Obama’s Calendar 2009

It’s like August never happened.

Joe Wilson Was Right

Republican congressman Joe Wilson yelled “You lie” to Obama during his healthcare speech and there’s been a great deal of stink over it which eventually led to Wilson’s appropriate apology. But that doesn’t change that what Wilson said was absolutely… Continue Reading →

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