I’ve been running a Catholic blog for a few years now and have inadvertently come across certain words and phrases that just drive self described “progressive” Catholics crazy. Tweeters have been doing this a while concerning politics but I thought we could have some fun here coming up with 3 word phrases that just unhinge “progressive” Catholics. Take a look at my suggestions and then I encourage you to add your own in the combox.
1) Traditional Anglican Communion
2) The Catechism states…
3) Abortion is murder
4) Communion on Tongue
5) Scott Hahn said…
6) “Caritas in Veritate”
7) Archbishop Raymond Burke…
Head on over to the National Catholic Register for the full list and add your own to the list over there as well.
I really want this list to be comprehensive so put on your thinking caps and go to National Catholic Register to submit yours.
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