We Laugh Because We Believe

Month July 2010

Maybe I Take a Dim View of Americans But…

Maybe I take a dim view of Americans but I believe the liberal strategy to label the “Tea Party” or anyone on the right as “racist” will work. And don’t tell me it’s not a strategy by the liberals to… Continue Reading →

PSA Scares Latinos To Vote

Houston Votes “Policeman” from Curiosity Shoppe on Vimeo. Houston Votes receives its funding from Texans Together which has received funding from the federal government including grants for Americorps workers. So to make this clear -the federal government is funding an… Continue Reading →

A Great Reason to Get Married in Church

Clumsy Best Man Ruins Wedding – Watch more Funny Videos If this is’t a great reason to get married in a church I don’t know what is. This could never happen in a church unless there was some really weird… Continue Reading →

Gay Priest Scandal Rocks Rome

A news magazine accompanied a number of priests to gay clubs and engaged in casual sex. The Daily Mail reports: A gay priest sex scandal has rocked the Catholic Church in Italy today after a weekly news magazine released details… Continue Reading →

Why 2011 Is Too Late

Many people hope that if Republicans can take back at least one house come November, that some degree of sanity can be restored and our fiscal house can be put in order. But perhaps it will already be too late…. Continue Reading →

Greatest Drink Ever…PETA’s Gonna’ Flip

OK. Could this be the greatest drink ever? The Metro UK reports: BrewDog, of Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, is the firm behind the new ale that’s apparently stronger than whisky and vodka at 55 per cent volume…. Twelve bottles of The End… Continue Reading →

Protestors Storm Podium at Traditional Marriage Rally

This is pretty ugly. The National Organization for Marriage is traveling around the country. In Providence, protestors stormed the podium, threatened to kidnap children, and attempted to intimidate supporters of traditional marriage. Watch for yourself:

“I Don’t Want All That Garbage in My Church!”

I recently ran across a story in which a catechist was told by a participant in a training session: “you can keep your catechism.” It reminded me of a story of my own working as a liturgical and architectural consultant.I… Continue Reading →

Trying to Do What’s Right, In Tights

A college student has taken to the streets dressed in tights calling himself “The Viper.” He’s got a utility belt that seems like he might be more equipped to fix your sink rather than fight crime as he’s got wrenches… Continue Reading →

Revenge Killing Of Octopus for World Cup Loss

An Argentine TV host was mad at all octopi because…get this… a pyschic octupus predicted that the Argentinian soccer team would lose in the World Cup. So look what happened. I’m not even going to show the video because it’s… Continue Reading →

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