Pope Benedict XVI is going to go to England, see the side of a bus and change the entire church because you know the best advice in life always comes from the side of a bus. That’s what some womyn’s… Continue Reading →
There has been a lot of commentary on Glenn Beck’s “restoring honor” rally in Washington this past weekend. President Obama ignored it. Newscasters spun it. And people argued over the size of it. But hands down, the silliest thing anyone… Continue Reading →
Weasel Zippers has a story about a poll indicating that only 34% of “Churchgoers” approve of Obama. But to be fair even the non-churchgoers aren’t crazy about him: Support among Obama’s far-left Godless base beginning to erode?… Even the unchurched… Continue Reading →
We don’t typically do stuff like this but CMR friend Amy Giglio wrote in about her concerns with Seton Hall University. She seemed to know a lot about the university and its issues. While she asked CMR to write something… Continue Reading →
During the 2008 campaign season, I marveled about the ability of the candidate and the campaign to stay ‘on message.’ For sure, the messages which candidate Obama offered were the zealously vague platitudes of hope and change, but it served… Continue Reading →
Various media reported on an online campaign calling on people to “donate any part of their body” to a new cannibal restaurant. They also advertised for an “open-minded surgeon.” Oooooookay?! This is assuredly an online p.r. stunt for something or… Continue Reading →
In his own words on local news in El Paso.
Hmmmm. FRONT ROYAL, VA – The board of directors of Human Life International (HLI) has announced that after nearly 10 years of meritorious service to HLI as president, Reverend Thomas J Euteneuer has stepped down from his position after being… Continue Reading →
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