Weasel Zippers has a story about a poll indicating that only 34% of “Churchgoers” approve of Obama. But to be fair even the non-churchgoers aren’t crazy about him:
Support among Obama’s far-left Godless base beginning to erode?…
Even the unchurched are losing faith in Barack Obama’s handling of the presidency, according to the latest data from the Gallup poll.
When Obama was inaugurated last year, Americans who said they never or seldom go to church were more likely to approve of the job he was doing as president than Americans who said they attended church every week or Americans who said they attended church nearly weekly or monthly.
August 30, 2010 at 11:51 pm
Lies, damned likes and statistics. Didn't the majority of Catholics vote for Obama? Now they are all dissatisfied?
I know this is just an article substantially on par with today's horoscope, but I just want to do a quick sanity/reality check; we have a LOT of work ahead of us if we are serious about unseating Obama in 2012; more importantly, with someone with whom we share morals and values regarding the sanctity of human life. This poll is meaningless.
August 31, 2010 at 2:27 pm
The current resident of the white house promised transparency in administration and practice. His supporter in congress promised to drain their swamp of illegal and corrupt politics. Together they promised to put America to work and make life better for the middle class. They lied. Uniformly and without exception they lied. All the msm paper and all the msm ink can not now hide from common view the failure of this administration and it's abject hostility to the will and interest of Americans. Those who live for bread and circuses will vote for the current resident of the white house and his partners in crime. Those who want a future for their families will vote for real hope and change.
August 31, 2010 at 10:54 pm
The American voter didn't do their homework. If they did Obama never would have been elected.
September 1, 2010 at 4:17 pm
"only 34% of "Churchgoers" approve of Obama."
This explains Pelosi and Biden.
They duck and cover whenever they see a Bishop coming their way.