This political ad by the guy who’s running against Nancy Pelosi is the bomb. By that I mean that this guy knows he’s going up against an opponent in Nancy Pelosi that can throw millions upon millions into this race…. Continue Reading →
This post was written by a CMR friend who goes by the name “Eponymous.” The mainstream media would have us believe that Imam Rauf is a bridgebuilder. The Imam has stated as much and we should initially accept him at… Continue Reading →
Check this one out at First Things by Robert George, a Princeton Professor, to see how “under God” isn’t being battled over, it’s just being disappeared. The Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, and the Constitution of the United States… Continue Reading →
Pray for America. Pray for the souls of the departed on that terrible day, including the firefighters who rushed in to help when every one else ran out. Pray for the families of the departed, may they be comforted. And… Continue Reading →
You might have seen this making its way around but it’s just so good in a “I can’t stop cringing and covering my eyes but I….must…look” way. How much can you watch in one sitting before you develope irritable bowel… Continue Reading →
Pretty funny but then very moving:
Two explanations for such a banner:1) They are the most clueless people on Earth and had no idea what “WTF” means and are the laughing stock of all who view them. 2) They knew what “wtf” meant and did it… Continue Reading →
Finally a movie that takes a serious look at what it is like to be a priest. At least what it is like to be a future post apocalyptic vampire killing priest. Same thing really. On the upside, the vamps… Continue Reading →
Yesterday I was driving my son to his first day of Kindergarten. Big day. I threw all the kids in the van. The girls were singing and happy but I noticed the boy was quiet. I wondered if he was… Continue Reading →
I knew celebrities had outsized egos. I did. But I don’t think I understood how crazy some of them really are. I mean really really crazy. Susan Sarandon, in talking about her divorce with Tim Robbins was quoted this week… Continue Reading →
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