Finally a movie that takes a serious look at what it is like to be a priest. At least what it is like to be a future post apocalyptic vampire killing priest. Same thing really.
On the upside, the vamps here do not seem to suffer from teenagey existential angst with too much product in their hair. They do seem to suffer however from flying crosses that turn into razor blades. There is that….
I like movies where the vamps don’t need to be loved or understood. I like movies where vamps need killin’. Using a priest to do it seems gratuitous, but hey, until I have walked a mile in their post-apocalyptic vamp infested shoes, who am I to judge?
September 10, 2010 at 6:20 am
Oddly enough the only contention I have against the movie is that it seems to imply of a female priest and versus populum consecration.
September 10, 2010 at 6:37 am
Is anyone else reminded of Final Fantasy VII in some parts of that trailer?
September 10, 2010 at 12:32 pm
I second Giovanni: Even in the face of zombie, vampire, or the elusive zombievampire apocalypse, I know the Church would hold fast to Ordinatio Sacerdotalis.
And yes, Jer, it does have a very FFVII feel to it.
September 10, 2010 at 1:31 pm
Looking at IMDB, the female lead is a "priestess". The chick playing it also played in "Live Free or Die Hard" as an Asian kung fu fighting villianess. I doubt she'll be seen passing out Communion wafers or hearing Confession (unless absolution involves a skull fracture).
Hey, it's a fantasy flick. The priestess issue is on the level of Amish ninjas. Let's save our outrage for something significant.
And any movie that has Christopher Plummer in it is worth a look.
September 10, 2010 at 3:13 pm
Maybe the Orthometer will give his review. Personally I would like to see a move where the Priest is a cross between Woody Harrelson (Zombieland) and Fr Merrin (Exorcist).
September 10, 2010 at 5:21 pm
Aside from the priestess issue, and the apparent anti-hierarchy bias, and the request to reinstate "authority" vs "faculties", I am sure Mrs. Lincoln and I will enjoy the play.
September 10, 2010 at 5:41 pm
^ does not do nearly as good a job portraying the life of a post-apocalyptic vampire-killing priest as does the Japanese anime series Trinity Blood. Just saying.
September 10, 2010 at 6:39 pm
>I like movies where the vamps don't need to be >loved or understood. I like movies where vamps >need killin'.
Where would a TV show featuring a truly repentant vampire fall ? Does anybody else remember "Forever Knight" ?
If I recall correctly, the angst was sharpened by the fact that the main character had committed horrific acts in his centuries of unlife (some of them shown in flashback ) – but had spent the last l50 years defending the innocent and trying to regain his own mortality….
In the final episode he commits assisted suicide by stake, and basically throws himself on the mercy of God.
So you've got a show where a vampire is both loved and killed, with the killing as the only way he can see out of the trap of his undead state.
September 10, 2010 at 8:10 pm
Uh, if Paul Bettany (who played 'Silus' in Da Vinci Code) is ok with it, it's probably going to be a horrible contribution to the pie in the sky ridiculous ideas that much of adolescent society has about priests.
Just keep in mind that Bettany is responsible for the dramatization of and therefore the skewed public image of: monks, priest-like figures, albinos, Opus Dei, and apparently "assassins in the Church".
I'll pass. And the priestess and hackneyed consecration looking thing looks absurd.
September 11, 2010 at 3:03 am
I actually like Paul Bettany – never did see the Da Vinci Code and I don't care to. He was just acting. He's been great in other films. Just sayin'.
September 11, 2010 at 1:36 pm
Actually isn't Paul Bettany the same guy in the movie "Legion"… the one where God hates people and sends angels to kill them… blah blah blah
September 13, 2010 at 10:52 pm
Yeah… Trinity Blood's a bit like this: Anime, main character is a priest who kills Vampires, 'cept for the bit where the Priest himself is a special kind of vampire who feeds on _other_ vampires (aside from those moments, though, he seems to be a genuinely good guy), and the Pope happens to be a teenager caught up in something quite a bit bigger than himself with advisors who aren't the nicest people in the world. (I don't know where it falls in the end, mind you – I've only seen the first episode on Cartoon Network's adult swim).