We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2011

I Was Born This Way

For years I have fought my own nature, but no more. Ever since I can remember, I have felt this way. It has always been just below the surface, but I have done my best to push it down. Way… Continue Reading →

School: “Pick a Song that Doesn’t Say Jesus”

A school in California attempted to prevent a disabled student from using his choice of song in the talent show because the song inluded the word “Jesus.” I’m honestly asking if that song had used the word “ho” or was… Continue Reading →

My Radio Interview on Father Corapi

On Monday I appeared on Dennis O’Donovan’s Religion, Politics & the Culture Radio Show. The RPC show airs live, Mondays through Fridays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm EST. Radio: in Southeast Florida: AM 1040. Internet: www.rpconradio.com. I think you’ll… Continue Reading →

How to Celebrate Atheist Pride Week

Former atheist Jen Fulwiler has essentially dared us to come up with activities for atheists to do during Atheist Pride Week. She wrote, “I’ll leave it to the Archbolds to come up with some witty suggestions for how one might… Continue Reading →

We Are All Atheists Now

It’s inevitable. Religion is dead, saya a recent study. Religion will soon be dead in nine countries according to a study reported at the American Physical Society meeting in Dallas. Is this because the people in these countries are too… Continue Reading →

Tools Of Life / Tools of Death

Rebecca Taylor will be guest blogging here once a week for the next month. Rebecca is a Technologist in Molecular Biology, MB(ASCP) and a practicing Catholic. She has been writing and speaking about Catholicism and biotechnology for five years at… Continue Reading →

Gov. Signs 3 Day Waiting Period for Abortion

South Dakota’s Governor signed a law requiring a three day waiting period for abortions. This is great news. Just 8 months and 27 days to go. CNS News reports: South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a law Tuesday requiring women… Continue Reading →

Difference Between Nudists and Strippers?

My two year old went through a phase where she kept taking off her clothes. And when I put clothes on her she would try to take them off. And if she took her clothes off I’d say in my… Continue Reading →

Barney Frank: GOP “Morally Stupid Bigots”

Gotta’ love it when Barney Frank lectures you on morality. Dude had a brothel being run out of his home and he’s lecturing you. As Zip said, Because when you think of morally superior people Bawney Fwank comes to mind…. Continue Reading →

Polygamy Is Sooo Cute

With the White House punting on its defense of the Defense of Marriage Act which restricted the federal government from recognizing anything other than marriage between one man and one woman, the pathway to legalized polygamy is looking pretty clear… Continue Reading →

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