We Laugh Because We Believe

Month July 2011

My Journey to Motherhood

Note from Matt: This is my sister Mary posting again. She posted last week and she got great feedback from you folks so here she is again. Enjoy. I think it’s awesome. When you first get married you talk to… Continue Reading →

Unaccredited Catholics

One thing is clear. No organization, not even one holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, is immune from the whims of the arrogant bureaucrat. For reasons it shouldn’t be hard to fathom, some bureaucrat at the under-secretariat of stupidity at the USCCB… Continue Reading →

Abortionist: Yeah, Babies are Born Alive

Wiggling around the toilet?!!!! Wiggling around the freaking toilet?!!!! WTF!? Man’s inhumanity to man on open display here. This is the most horrific thing I’ve read in months and I read a lot of stuff. A lot. In disturbing testimony… Continue Reading →

Gay Rights More Important than Public Safety?

In a move that would indicate political correctness trumps actual health concerns, the Department of Health and Human Services is considering allowing gays to donate blood. The National Journal reports: A policy that bars gay men from donating blood for… Continue Reading →

Wacko Atheists Sue Over WTC Cross

On that bright September 11th morning almost 10 years ago, Muslim terrorists took down the World Trade Center, and amid all the heartbreak, dust, and rubble two intersecting steel beams stood impossibly in the shape of a cross giving comfort… Continue Reading →

Libs Threatens Babies for the EPA

Yes. Yes. If Republicans make any cuts to government spending, babies will die. We get it. First, Republicans were throwing old ladies off cliffs and now they’re feeding babies poison. My only question is since when is babies dying a… Continue Reading →

Ann Coulter vs. Fr. Albert

Fr. Albert Cutie taking the easy way once again, agreeing with everyone in the room for his show rather than facing a hard truth. And Ann Coulter, in her always kind manner, dropping the “Who’s the Christian here?” on him…. Continue Reading →

52% Approve of God’s Job Performance

My first thought was that this couldn’t be real. But sadly it is. The good news is that God has better poll numbers than Obama. The bad news is it’s not by much. Obama has been clocking in with a… Continue Reading →

Fat Pat Update: 10 Weeks Down, 54 To Go

I doubt that anyone is interested in this stuff, but its my blog so too bad. As some of you may know, I am signed up to do the Ironman triathlon next year in NYC. As prep for that, I… Continue Reading →

Clerk Faces Jail Defending Pledge and Prayer

This is nuts. Pure nuts. A Texas County Clerk may face jail time for defending the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer after a judge crossed it out of the meeting’s minutes. He crossed it out for fear that the… Continue Reading →

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