This video from Operation Rescue just sickens me. A woman calls an abortionist asking to abort a baby at 30 weeks. And she’s told that Medicaid will foot the bill.
This is pretty amazing. It’s so good that I don’t even want to put it into a political perspective because with Santorum I kinda’ feel like he’s the real thing. A real family man who puts family first. HT
Well, kind of. HT John Nolte from Big Hollywood.
I think I’m kinda’ fed up with Herman Cain. Holy cow. Just days after announcing he was pro-life with “no exceptions,” his campaign is now telling CNN that he’s for abortion in cases of rape or incest. What?! CNN reports:… Continue Reading →
A new report from a United Nations official claimed abortion as a “human right” and calls for decriminalization of and the removal of legal barriers related to abortion. Liberals are pleased as punch and believe this will change the world…. Continue Reading →
I have said for a while that Fast & Furious will result in jail time for some and resignations for others. I have also speculated that under normal circumstances Eric Holder would be done fer. Although Obama has not shown… Continue Reading →
Mike Casey is a praying man. The father of two believes in the power of prayer to change things. But it’s easy to believe in the power of prayer when you see how a little prayer can change things. It… Continue Reading →
I’m always amazed at all the amazing things going on in the Catholic blogosphere. And I’m always delighted to find someone with unique talents and a strong point of view. Jeff B. Harris is sortuva blogger but really he’s a… Continue Reading →
This is heavy. October 26th was the day Marty McFly went back in time. So I’m a day late but this is still pretty cool. As you might recall Marty rocked the Hoverboard when he went into the future. Well,… Continue Reading →
It is almost impossible to criticize Chaz Bono WITHOUT being prejudiced. Chaz Bono has claimed that there is a bias on Dancing With The Stars that caused him/her to be treated ‘disrespectfully’ and bounced from the show. Bias against lesbians?… Continue Reading →
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