Please read my Register post in which I discuss the ten years since Bush’s embryonic stem cell decision.
The Province of St. Joseph of the Dominican Order, sometimes called the “Eastern” province, released some pictures of their novices, who, traditionally, receive the habit on August 8, St. Dominic’s feast day. This photo shows the novices who just finished… Continue Reading →
The great Alveda King and the awesome Lila Rose pray for an end to abortion at The Response, the prayer event that Rick Perry famously attended to the consternation of liberal nation. Seriously, liberals are being driven absolutely crazy by… Continue Reading →
I just read that the great Greg and Jennifer Willits, who host “The Catholics Next Door” are filming their own Catholic sitcom. I think this is a great idea. And here’s the thing. I think I can help. I’ve watched… Continue Reading →
Yes, we are not exceptional. Turns out, we are just like everyone else. Find out why I think so at The Register. Please.
So we have been downgraded, now what? CMR bud David L. Alexander pointed us to this excellent article at Hotair by Ed Morrissey regarding the potential ramifications of the downgrades. Ed suggests, and I tend to agree, that while the… Continue Reading →
Big Hollywood is calling this movie “anti-abortion.” And hey, Robert Davi’s in it so it’s gotta’ be good. I’m always looking for decent movies with some quality to them.
A documentary set to air in South Korea tomorrow is alleging that Chinese hospitals are selling aborted babies and stillborn children to a drug company which is grinding them up and selling them as “stamina” pills for men, according to… Continue Reading →
In one of the more blatant attempts to silence pro-lifers, the city that attempted to ban circumcision is now attempting to make it illegal for crisis pregnancy centers not to perform abortions. That’s right. According to the Blaze: In a… Continue Reading →
Besides being just ridiculously stupid, Eugene Cullen Kennedy at the Reporter manages to brutalize a metaphor so badly, its in a coma. You will may end up in a coma as well. No operating heavy machinery and all that. The… Continue Reading →
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