We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2012

White House Lie: Our Door is Open to Bishops

The Cafferty File on CNN has a typically unbalanced report on the lawsuit against the HHS mandate. But this isn’t about the bias, it’s about how the Obama administration regularly lies. Here’s a piece of the report: As a compromise,… Continue Reading →

NY Proposes Ban on Anonymous Comments

I am no fan of anonymous comments. As a conservative, if I don’t like them I can choose to turn them off. Liberals (even Republican liberals) are not content to make their own choice. They want you to make their… Continue Reading →

Study: IVF Puts Women in Danger

You know how pretty much any study that says there may be an increased rate of cancer if you use your cell phone, drink soda, eat meat or cook your lunch in the microwave. But any study that says anything… Continue Reading →

Every, Every Life Is God’s Gift

Have you seen this video? Lacey Buchanan of Woodbury, Tennessee is a mom and for that she has been criticized. You see, our culture and some rude people on the street think she should have aborted her son Christian. WOuldn’t… Continue Reading →

Hans Küng: Pope A Schismatic!

I knew that Hans Küng is a heretic, but I never knew that he was this funny. Hans Küng has warned the Pope that he will ipso facto be a schismatic by allowing the SSPX back into the Church. Apparently… Continue Reading →

Indian Doctors feed aborted female fetuses to dogs to hide sex-selection abortion

This is just horrific.  Abortion is horrific. Gendercide is horrific. And so it is no surprise that these practices breed more horror. I really hope this report is not true. From India Today: Some doctors in Beed are disposing of… Continue Reading →

Gallup: 82% of Catholics Think Contraception is Morally Acceptable, Let’s Change That

According to Gallup’s recent survey 82% of Catholics believe contraception is morally acceptable. That’s a shame. Gallup does point out that this has nothing to do with the fight over religious liberty but it is a helpful benchmark to know… Continue Reading →

Gallup: Pro-Choicers Disappearing

Gallup has the latest numbers on the breakdown of self professed “pro-life” and “pro-choice” Americans. While the number of pro-lifers remains steady at around 50%, the number of “pro-choicers” dropped precipitously. The 41% of Americans who now identify themselves as… Continue Reading →

Then…The Wheel Came Off

So we were packing up the kids to go to our nephew’s birthday party and everyone’s running around. The twelve year old wants the yellow shirt that’s in the washing machine but she couldn’t move it into the dryer because… Continue Reading →

The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Republicans

The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll has Obama up 49-46 percent in the poll. But if one delves deeper into the sample of voters, one might rightly wonder where all the Republicans went. Hot Air reported that today’s D/R/I breakdown… Continue Reading →

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