The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll has Obama up 49-46 percent in the poll.
But if one delves deeper into the sample of voters, one might rightly wonder where all the Republicans went.
Hot Air reported that today’s D/R/I breakdown is 32% Democrat, 22% Republican, and 38% Independent.
That’s right, according to ABC and The Washington Post only 22% of voters are Republicans.
Of course, this is terribly worrisome because even in 2008 which was the worst year for Republicans in decades, Republicans made up 32% of the electorate. And in 2010, Republicans made up 35% of the electorate. But just a year and a half later the pollsters have only 22% of the electorate as Republicans. That’s 13% of the electorate…GONE! Missing!
Can we fit that many faces on the side of a milk carton?
I, for one am very disturbed by all these missing Republicans. I’m starting to wonder if all the conspiracy theories are true and Obama is carting away Republicans…or worse. I know us Catholics, when we need to get rid of someone we just dial 1-900-Albino-Monk. (This is not a toll free call) and the problem gets taken care of, if you know what I mean.
I’m wondering who is the equivalent of the albino monk assasin is for the Obama administration. Paul Begala maybe. Could you imagine waking up to that freakish smiling face on top of you as he gleefully chloroforms everyone of voting age in your house to do his will with you later in the panic room of his Georgetown condo.
I guess I could really get myself all worked up about all these missing Republicans but then maybe, just maybe ABC and The Washington Post aren’t looking all that hard for them. Maybe, just maybe they’ll reappear magically on voting day when 53% of the electorate votes to kick Obama out of office.
May 22, 2012 at 7:54 pm
Actually, I suspect most of these people are so fed up with Republicans that they are calling themselves Independent. Come election day they may vote Obama-lite or they may vote for a random third party.
May 22, 2012 at 9:52 pm
Given the Electoral College, I would be happier with a number higher than 53%.
If we're to save what's left of the Republic, I think we also need super majorities in both houses.
May 22, 2012 at 10:01 pm
I think they got confused because there is so little difference between Democrats and Republicans. They just forgot which party they belonged to. Continued endless wars for Israel,blank check on the taxpayers for Israel, Rombamacare, continued regulation and criminalization of our very beings via NDAA and "treaties" with the UN giving away US sovereignty and making us tax slaves for the world, continued debasing of the currency to impoverish us…..uh, which party is against this stuff???
May 22, 2012 at 11:19 pm
@ Anonymous: Isn't there a sale on tinfoil you could be rushing off to? Haberdashery supplies and all that?
May 23, 2012 at 12:10 am
Hey Sophia, that was nothing more than a raw insult with no other purpose than to give offense to a stranger through mockery implying mental imbalance. An ad hominem in invalid argumentation terms. So you carried off a drive by insult and left no survivors, huh? Wow. You must be great. Your incisive wit proves it. Thanks for sharing your pointless, witless putdown. Man you must be SO GREAT. Why would you invest that kind of time and mental rigor otherwise? Unfortunately you convinced nobody of anything except how much you love shooting from behind a rock. So great. You must be I mean. Ask me how I can tell.
May 23, 2012 at 2:22 am
Maybe the Rapture is occurring.
May 23, 2012 at 3:10 am
Maybe the rapture came!!!! 😉
May 23, 2012 at 3:12 am
Actually not,,,, the Dem percentage would have been Waaaayyyy higher ….
May 23, 2012 at 3:41 am
As a registered Republican, the ONLY way I would vote for Romney (R) this election is if Santorum were Veep. Other than that, I refuse to have the Republican party dictate their left-leaning candidates to me anymore. If we keep settling, they will keep taking this as a sign they can stray further left. And I've had it.
May 23, 2012 at 3:50 am
I don't doubt that many former Republican voters are indeed missing after a series of awful, neocon, establishment presidential candidates being forced down our throats – most recently with Romney. Not to mention that every single time this happens (to include now with Romney), we get lectured on the same elitist-arrogant and/or lemming-think garbage (to include from those here on CMR) that we have no choice but to vote for the establishment's pick and a vote for a third-party is a vote for the Democrat blah, blah, blah, obey-and-surrender-your-vote-to-the-establishment-string-pullers, vomit, blah, blah… I have had it with what the Republican party has become and those who continue to promote this kind of garbage and hope that since we are going to go down, it happens quickly.
May 23, 2012 at 9:12 am
@ Anonymous 6:19 PM: how quaint. I don't know what middle school councillor told you that people who put you down are trying to build themselves up, but I assure you, no, I don't think I'm particularly great. Perhaps compared to you, but I try to set my bar a bit higher than that, thank you.
And hey, since you seem to think amateur armchair psychoanalysis is a good idea, what shall we make of the fact you mention Israel twice, and every other issue only once? An unhealthy fixation with teh Joooz, perhaps?
(I here assume that you and the previous anonymous are the same person. If you're not, and you don't want to be held accountable for something someone else said, then sign a damn name in the damn combox, posting without a consistent username is a bigger netiquette violation THAN TYPING IN ALL CAPS.
May 23, 2012 at 12:29 pm
Ah…. here we go again. "I'm not voting for the Republican because they're no better than the Democrat."
Pfft! We all know your schilling for The One. Next thing you'll be discussing is Romney's weak pro-life credentials. Yeah, go right ahead. Compare Romney to Obama and tell us Obama is more pro-life, please do tell.
Well here's one from your playbook – this election is about the economy stupid. Sure, hide the Republican voters it doesn't matter. It will be a landslide win against Obama.
ABO 2012
May 23, 2012 at 5:24 pm
As I read the previous posts it is obvious that the only thing we want is Obama out but we are divided on whether or not we are willing to hold our nose and vote for Romney in order to accomplish that task. To be honest, I am not sure what I will do. I do believe that it is almost too late for our nation to correct it's course and I believe that mostly has to do with peoples lack of understanding of what a Republic really is and what our Constitution is all about. Our time is almost up.
May 23, 2012 at 11:55 pm
It seems that SF is the one fixated with "Joooooz" as he/she loves to phrase the word Jews. And that reveals his/her purpose here. But that is "tinfoil" talk, right, SA? Marginalize, demonize, insult. It is so much easier than having to actually debunk facts you know are true and are increasingly obvious even to the most dull Neocon tool.
May 24, 2012 at 12:32 am
If the Democrats and Republicans are both selling out to Israel, then why is Obama hemorrhaging Jewish support left and right? Oh, right—because he's screwing Israel every chance he gets, just like he screwed the Czech Republic and Poland.
Also? It's "dullest", not "most dull".
May 24, 2012 at 8:39 am
@ Anonymous 6:55 PM, again: while I'm at it, seriously, trying to turn what I said about your obvious obsession with the Jews, against me, is a logical fallacy known as "ad hominem tu quoque". Or as it's less formally known, "Nuh-uh, you do."
That really is the best you can do, isn't it?
May 25, 2012 at 12:10 am
Sorry, SF. The state of Israel is not synonymous with those you refer to as "Jooooooz", at least not all of them anyway. Much as you try to make it seem so, perpetrating your own logical fallacy. One can disagree with the actions and policies of the state of Israel and those who represent that states interests against the best interests of the US yet love Jews as much as any of the rest of their fellow men.
This all or nothing view you have that any criticism of the disproportionate influence of the state of Israel over the US media and gov't reveals a sinister hatred of all "Jooooooooz" is tiresome and phony. Thank heaven people are starting to see through you and Abes knee jerk smears.