We Laugh Because We Believe

Month September 2012

New Hobbit Trailer!!!

This is the one movie I’m excited to see. *subhead*Can’t wait.*subhead*

Custody Of The Eyes, Ninja Style

If you outlaw hot chicks, you only turn hot chicks into outlaws. Or something… An Iranian cleric walking down the street scolded a woman for not covering up enough! She told him to mind his own bizness. When he repeated… Continue Reading →

Obama Campaign Selling US Flag with Obama Logo

For the low low price…er…donation of 35 bucks, the Obama campaign will send you the flag with the Obama logo on it. It’s called the “Our Stripes: Flag Print.” Does this seem kinda’ icky to you? And by “kinda’” I… Continue Reading →

Creepy Meme Of The Day

Ok. So there is this thing that Dems are doing. They take pictures of themselves with a reason they support the Prez written on their hands. Lame, but ok, like whatever. But one particular photo is getting some meme attention… Continue Reading →

Wait, Why Does HE Get Relgious Freedom?!

A New Hampshire newspaper is reporting that some old white dude got busted for smoking the gange and got off because he swore he was only toking because of his religion –which is Rastafarian. Seriously. A Belknap County Superior Court… Continue Reading →

LA Times: Movie on Islam isn’t Free Speech

Former NPR reporter and former special assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Sarah Chayes wrote a piece in the LA Times saying that the movie about Islam that the left is pretending caused all the riots… Continue Reading →

Manufactured Gaffe du Jour Not Helping Obama

I present the following anecdote as evidence that the media’s manufactured Romney gaffe du jour might not having the intended effect. A middle of the road colleague at work who knows I am a political animal and that I would… Continue Reading →

No, Jesus Wasn’t Married

Bombshell!! Papyrus from centuries after Jesus with a half a sentence with the word “wife” in it proves that everything we thought we new about Jesus is a lie. Again. If you thought that the reporting on the terrorist attacks… Continue Reading →

No Wonder Dems Are Trying to Destroy Marriage

I’ve sometimes wondered why Democrats are so intent on destroying marriage even though it loses every time it’s up for a vote. The Home Front reports on a poll: Married registered voters prefer Republican challenger Mitt Romney over Democratic President… Continue Reading →

NY Times Cheers 4th Century Document Mentioning Jesus’s Wife!!!

Finally, liberals have found old writings about Jesus that they actually like. Thank goodness. You know how nothing in the Bible is to be believed because it was written by neanderthal nutjobs many years after Jesus died. Well forget all… Continue Reading →

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