Wow. I’ve spoke with Kathleen Gilbert a few times and exchanged emails. But this news comes as a glorious surprise. You probably know Kathleen as the driving force behind LifeSiteNews. But her most recent letter announced that she’ll be leaving to join a Carmelite monastery.

Check it out. God bless Kathleen.

Dear readers,

I’m sorry to say this is my final letter to you.

A previous letter hinted at my mysterious disappearance from LifeSiteNews’ roster a few weeks ago. So tonight I’m picking up the metaphorical pen one last time before I enter the Carmelite monastery in Buffalo, New York, to begin my postulancy there on October 14. The feeling is difficult to describe, but bittersweet is a large part.

No one could have ever asked for better coworkers, who work tirelessly but somehow, cheerfully and with humor, in their zeal to shed light on the darkest corners of our world. Very few are so privileged as to fight evil as a form of gainful employment – I was. I am leaving one deeply spiritual work, for another.

Yet the mission here is truly unique. After only four years, it still seems there is so much more to be done, and there is a slight pang at knowing I’ll never be able to do it – at least, not as a LSN empolyee.

Read the whole thing by clicking here>>>
