Sister Simone Campbell will soon meet with her idol President Obama as part of his reaching out campaign to raise taxes. I wonder if she gets to touch the hem of his garment.
The Herald Tribune reports:
The session with Congressional leaders followed his meetings earlier this week with leaders of unions, progressive groups and corporate executives. Later on Friday Mr. Obama will meet with more than a dozen representatives of civic, civil-rights, disability and anti-poverty groups and organizations representing both older and young Americans.
Participants will include Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the N.A.A.C.P.; civil rights activist and MSNBC talk-show host Al Sharpton; Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, and A. Barry Rand, head of AARP, the lobby group for older Americans. Also invited is Sister Simone Campbell, who led the “Nuns on the Bus” tour for social justice this summer and spoke at the Democratic National Convention, where she decried Republican budget plans as “immoral.”
Here’s the thing, any time you’re lumped into a group with Al Sharpton, it’s time for some major self reflection and a strong consideration that you’ve likely made some very bad decisions somewhere along the way.
Campbell, you might remember was the lunatic who was flitting around the abortion-palooza that was the Democratic National Convention and when asked by The Weekly Standard if abortion should be illegal, she answered that it was “beyond my pay grade.”
But making moral evaluations about budgets seemed to be right in her sweet spot. And now she’s getting rewarded for her fealty to The One.
I hope it’s worth it.
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