We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2012

All Butterflies Must Die

Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect? In a nutshell, the butterfly effect is the far off, unpredictable, and possibly dramatic consequences of a seemingly small act. It is called the butterfly effect because the concept is often illustrated with… Continue Reading →

He Didn’t Blame Single Mothers

It’s being reported that a professor at the University of Texas has sparked a terrible controversy by saying that black students are failing academically because so many are raised in single parent households. In an interview with the BBC, law… Continue Reading →

Billboard Shows Pope Marrying Gays

One thing about the left is they show you where they’re going quite often. They deny it but they show it. Make no mistake, eventually the push for gay marriage will be about forcing churches to perform same-sex marriages. Look,… Continue Reading →

Cutest Vid Ever: A Little Boy’s Best Friend

Too cute. Love how the dog just waits while the kid splashes in the puddle. *subhead*Puddle.*subhead*

Matt’s Take on The Pope’s Twitter Account

The Washington Post’s On Faith blog was kind enough to care what I thought about the Pope’s new twitter. So I had a little fun with it: The pope’s Twitter feed is going live. I’m excited. While this is an… Continue Reading →

A Great Love Story with a Dash of Nazi!!!

Boom. Some knowledge: *subhead*Boom.*subhead*

The War on the Meaning of Christmas

*subhead*Watch out Halloween!*subhead* I recently saw a Jon Stewart monologue that really got me thinking. Stewart was making fun of Fox News’ “War on Christmas.” Stewart asks how could there possibly be a “War on Christmas” when Christmas, as a… Continue Reading →

Pope Goes Full Inigo Montoya

Inigo Montoya famously said, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Now it’s the Pope’s turn to essentially say the same thing. The Pope recently told a group of theologians that… Continue Reading →

Worst FreeThrow Ever!

Dude! Time to find a new sport. *subhead*Time to find a new sport.*subhead*

How Cool Am I? I Got to Interview Colleen Carroll Campbell

Colleen Carroll Campbell, journalist and television host of EWTN’s “Faith & Culture,” spoke with me about her new book My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir, which she said she hopes acts as “a gateway drug” for readers to the… Continue Reading →

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