We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2013

Funny Vid: Did You see the Interview with the Pope’s Ex Wife?

I might be the last person in the world to have seen this but it was pretty funny and Pope-related so I’m putting it up. It’s worth a few laughs. I’m not sure if this is an issue where people… Continue Reading →

“It’s A Dangerous Time, Pray For Us!”

Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican relays this story of an encounter with a voting Cardinal on the streets of Rome the day before the conclave. I excerpt it here because it captures so much of my sentiment. “I only… Continue Reading →

Politico Laughs at Killed Troops?

Politico published this headline on their site. It is an absolute horror that they’re snickering at the death of our bravest soldiers sacrificing all. After somebody noticed that they were laughing publicly at our dead soldiers and not just in… Continue Reading →

State Suspends Licenses of Three Abortion Clinics But…

Three Maryland abortion clinics have had their licenses suspended by the state. But don’t worry they still get to keep aborting babies if they promise to do better in the future. I guess, because their work is so important it… Continue Reading →

A Vaticanista

FWIW, my working definition of a Vaticanista. A Vaticanista is like a climatologist, he uses small amounts of irrelevant and unverifiable data to predict a future in magical concordance with his own wishes. *subhead*A working definition.*subhead*

God Only Knows Who The Next Pope Will Be

I read a lot, dozens of news articles every day. I’m used to being in the know. I think many of us are like that now. Let’s face it, we’ve become so used to having information at our fingertips (literally)… Continue Reading →

My Criteria For Pope Picking

I hear so much about what we need in a Pope today.  They say we need and ecumenical Pope, a Pastoral Pope, a media savvy Pope, a bridge builder who is committed to Vatican II.  Well, I agree.  Sorta. I… Continue Reading →

BBC: Jesus Is Just Like Teh Gays

This is your annual dose of pre-Easter lunacy from the media. The BBC has broadcast a message by the founder of a gay news website likening the punishment of Jesus on the cross to the sufferings of homosexual people, reports… Continue Reading →

Gimme Your Picks For Pope And Why

I have spent the weekend trying to figure out about which names echoing out at St. Peter’s would make me happy (like I was in 2005) and which would worry me. In 2005, I had a clear favorite and he… Continue Reading →

“To The Wonder” Trailer is Out

I’m a Terrence Malick fan. I thought the ‘Tree of Life” was one of the most inspiring and love-filled movies I’ve ever seen. If you haven’t seen it, I urge you to do so. There’s some heavy lifting involved though…. Continue Reading →

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